Nomination Video for ISED French Linguistic Support Group

Transcript: Nomination Video for ISED French Linguistic Support Group

(Music up)

(Video begins with a title card communicating the nomination of the French Linguistic Support Group for a DM Award in the Official Languages category. This transitions into a close-up of a man in front of an office window who will address the camera directly.)

David Boudreau, ISED director:

Members of the French Linguistic Support Group really deserve this award because the work is done outside their official duties.

I mean they do their work, their regular work, which is doing patent examination or patent-related functions, but this is on top. And so this is why they truly deserve this award.

What's really remarkable about the French Linguistic Support Group is its makeup. Members of the group are mostly scientists and engineers, but they're just as passionate about the French language.

And they're able to validate the text that is translated from English to French to make it equivalent in both languages, and this is very special.

I'm very proud of this group, the members of this group, because their work affects many people. In the end, it all comes down to their passion, and that's why I'm so proud.

Bravo, members of the French Linguistic Support Group.

Congratulations. This is an excellent job that you're doing.

(Music ends)

End of transcript