Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative Application Package (00868)

2. Proposed R&D Project

Statement of Work (SOW)

The following details of the SOW will be included as a contractual obligation within a signed Contribution Agreement (CA) for successful applications, and used to assess and monitor the project through the R&D work phase.

2.1 Project Name, Costs and Dates

*See SADI Contribution Agreement (CA) template for SADI Project Costs Principles

Project name  
Total project costs (including ineligible costs)
Total estimated eligible project costs
Total estimated ineligible project costs
Total estimated collaboration costs
Total amount of assistance requested
Anticipated start date of the project
Anticipated completion date of the project

2.2 Description of the R&D Project 

Short Project Summary (non-confidential)

All SADI contributions are made public through public announcement and/or press release. Your company name, location, value of the contribution, the short project summary and information on anticipated benefits will be made public. Further this summary may be used to identify subject matter experts within or outside of the federal government. Provide a non-confidential summary of the project. Include a description of the nature of the R&D project (e.g. new technology development, incremental technology improvement or optimization, system integration, ongoing engineering development, etc.).   (3 – 4 lines).


2.2.1 Project Introduction – Main Objectives

This section will identify the main project objective. The objective should identify an expected overall result of the R&D project (i.e. next generation product, process or service)


Provide a description of the stage of the development of the technology (e.g. concept stage, bench scale, scaled prototype, test or trials, demonstration, certification).


Describe your strategic rational for undertaking this project. How does this project fit within or expand upon your current business plan? Include details regarding how the project will affect the organization's competitive position in the A&D sector.


2.2.2 Project Costs and Location

checkbox Complete attached "SADI Application Workbook" – Annex tables 2 to 5

2.2.3 Project Schedule

checkbox In addition to the tables above, please complete "Application Workbook" – Annex 1 or attach a project schedule (GANTT chart) as a separate attachment.

2.2.4 Key Project Milestones

This table is used to set out the milestones that are key to the project's success. If possible, limit the number of milestones to between 4 and 6 in total. Project milestones indicate the anticipated dates of decisions, achievements, tasks and/or deliverables critical to the success of the project. The Project Schedule (Annex 1) and Key Project Milestones table below will be used by SADI officials to track the planned progress towards completion of the project.

Key Project Milestones Table – Complete
Milestone # Milestone Name (Description) Anticipated Date

2.2.5 Major Activities

This section will identify and describe the project activities to be performed by the Recipient and the objectives (outcomes) associated to each of these activities. The major activities and expected outcomes should adequately reflect the entire scope of the work to be undertaken, and should be framed in terms of objectively verifiable indicators. These major activities must relate directly to those used in the project schedule and project cost breakdown described in annexes 1 and 2A of the SADI Application Workbook.

Major Activity Table – Complete
Activity # Activity Title Activity Start Date Activity Completion Date

2.2.6 Activity Details

For each of the major activities identified above, describe the work to be performed under activity and how you will achieve the activity by answering the following three questions. (Note the following questions will need to be copied for each activity).

Activity #X:
  1. Describe the major activity and its expected outcomes. Identify the criteria used to determine if a major activity has been successfully completed, for example reaching a predetermined technology readiness level, a range of performance targets for a component, etc.
  2. Provide a description of each of the key scientific and technical resources (e.g. personnel, facilities, equipment, partners, etc.) required to complete the activity.
  3. Provide an explanation of the key technological risks related to this activity as well as the identified key resources. Describe the potential impact of these risks on the overall project. Include a description of the company's mitigation strategies as related to each identified risk.

2.3 Plan to achieve the Statement of Work

The following information will be used to evaluate the project against the SADI programs assessment criteria.

2.3.1 Managerial Capability

This section must show that the company possesses, or can reasonably be expected to secure, the requisite managerial capability to achieve the stated objectives of the project.

Provide a description of the company's approach to managing the project and what project management tools will be used to do so (e.g. for assembling the project team, planning, budgeting, scheduling, allocating responsibility, controlling, etc.).


Describe the mechanism for making critical decisions regarding the overall R&D direction, including go-no-go decisions.


Include an organizational chart identifying the key management personnel associated directly with this R&D project. Describe the accountabilities of each member and indicate their pertinent experience and expertise (resumes may be provided).


Describe the process for identifying risks and evaluating project progress. Include a brief description of the process for managing changes to the project.


Describe the mitigation measures in place should key management personnel associated directly with this R&D project be lost or should a key vacancy need to be filled prior to the start of the project.


2.3.2 Technological Capability

This section must demonstrate that your company possesses, or can be reasonably expected to secure the technological capability to achieve the objectives of the project.

Describe in detail the technical feasibility risks involved, including technological uncertainties, and mitigation strategies for addressing the technical risks identified.


Provide a summary of previous R&D or achievements to date (directly related to this project), conducted by the company or by others (identify) and its relevance to this project


Identify the overall performance targets being sought relative to current performance.


Provide a summary of the background Intellectual Property (IP) necessary to complete the project or properly exploit the technology to be developed as part of the project. The text must confirm that the company either owns or is licensed to use all such IP.


Provide a brief description of the company's approach to protecting any IP developed during the project.


Identify and describe the non-academic partnerships (sub-contracts) that you plan to use to realize the project objectives.


Describe the mitigation measures in place should key partners be unavailable to complete their required work.


2.3.3 Project Collaboration

Describe the anticipated collaborations with post-secondary institutions in order to meet the 1% of total project costs towards collaboration program eligibility requirement. If collaborative arrangements are not yet known, skip to the next section.

Project Collaboration
Canadian post-secondary academic institution involved Description of collaboration effort (objectives, relevance to project, timelines) Anticipated Dollar ($) Value of collaboration

2.3.4 Commercialization (Market) Analysis

This section must demonstrate that the company has a credible plan to successfully exploit the technology in the marketplace.

Provide a description of the current market, including, but not limited to, size, diversity of customers, market share of the company and key competitors, etc.


Define the market for this project (including the need that the technology responds to).


Describe the company's addressable market share (The size of that portion of the market that is likely to have an interest in what your company has to offer). Quantify the share of the addressable market the company expects to achieve and over what time frame?


Describe the production strategy to be utilized should the product be commercialized and/or describe the strategy for implementing any service and/or process improvement.


Describe the sales and distribution strategy should the project lead to commercialization.


Describe the production/service related activities you plan to retain in Canada over the life of the project agreement (e.g. manufacturing, final assembly, service centres, corporate services, testing, etc.).


Describe the company's competitive and market access challenges (e.g. regulatory approvals, market positioning, corporate mandates, etc.) and how the company proposes to mitigate these challenges.


2.3.5 Project Financing Plan – Over the duration of the project R&D work phase

checkbox Complete tab "AnnexFIN02" in attached "SADI Application Workbook"

Describe the key assumptions underlying the financing plan provided including the assumptions related to the company's financial operating and cash flow forecasts:


Identify all federal, provincial or municipal government assistance received, requested, or for which you anticipate requesting in addition to SADI funding as related to this project (except for scientific research and experimental development tax credits, deductions or allowances).


Describe the financial risks and mitigation strategies (e.g. credit risk – accounts receivable, inventory; interest rate exposure and protection; foreign currency exposure; hedging strategies; financing plan risks, litigation etc):


2.3.6 Need for SADI funding

This section must set out why SADI funding is important to the project moving ahead, based on a number of factors, including the company's financial position, risks associated with the project, the necessary timing of the project, any competing internal research and development projects and/or the market opportunity.

Check the boxes that apply and provide a rationale.
In the absence of SADI funding: Mark the box if it applies Provide details to support this argument by including a rationale and implications for the company and Canada if SADI funding is not provided
The project will not be undertaken. checkbox
The project will not be undertaken in Canada. checkbox
The project will be undertaken, but at a slower pace. checkbox
The project will be undertaken, but with a reduced scope. checkbox
Performance goals will be more modest checkbox
Other checkbox