Compliance and enforcement for weighing and measuring devices

Measuring device owners are required to have their scales, gas pumps and other weighing and measuring equipment inspected by a Measurement Canada authorized service provider (ASP) within a prescribed mandatory inspection frequency in eight sectors: dairy, downstream petroleum, fishing, forestry, grain and field crops, mining, retail food, and retail petroleum.

Measurement Canada enforces these requirements and actively monitors the marketplace. Notices are issued to device owners who have not had their devices inspected in accordance with the mandatory inspection requirements. Device owners receiving overdue device inspection notices must have their devices inspected within 14 days by an ASP or be subject to further enforcement actions by Measurement Canada, including significant financial penalties. Businesses that do not comply may be subject to monetary penalties of up to $2,000 and court-imposed fines of up to $10,000 for minor offences, up to $25,000 for major offences and up to $50,000 for repeat offenders.

Mandatory inspection frequencies vary from sector to sector and by type of device, from every year to every five years. Consult the Mandatory Examination Frequencies by Sector and Device Type reference tables to learn more about the mandatory inspection periods for your devices.

Through its accreditation and registration programs, Measurement Canada has enabled the establishment of a network of authorized service providers across the country to ensure device owners have a choice when it comes to device inspection. This online tool can help you find an authorized service provider in your area.

Measurement Canada has a rigorous process in place to qualify ASPs. The process involves successful completion of training, and requires the use of accepted inspection procedures and Agency-certified standards (test equipment) to perform inspections. Measurement Canada also monitors the work performed by ASPs through follow-inspections, annual audits and other methods.