NAICS 3262 Rubber products manufacturing

These statistics are based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

Principal Statistics
Year Establishments Shipments
($ millions)
Employment Imports
($ millions)
($ millions)
1 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada estimates
 Source: Statistics Canada
 Note: Principal Statistics — The step change in establishments observed in 2004 was due to a change by Statistics Canada in the minimum threshold size necessary for inclusion of establishments in the annual data. This change had only a minor impact on other principal statistics.
2003 362 5,669 25,704 3,803 3,179
2004 488 5,621 25,826 4,046 3,304
2005 465 5,427 22,415 4,201 3,392
2006 430 5,144 21,419 4,286 3,287
2007 420 4,876 18,871 4,291 3,238
2008 406 4,371 17,729 4,533 3,037
2009 387 3,640 15,453 4,485 2,789
2010  3871  3 0301  15 4001 4 732 3 101

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in processing natural, synthetic or reclaimed rubber materials into intermediate or final products using such processes as vulcanizing, cementing, moulding, extruding and lathe-cutting.