Special Coordination Procedure for the Use of Frequencies 929.4125 MHz and 929.4875 MHz for Paging Operations in the United States Between Line A and the United States/Canada Border

Copies For: DOST-I LTR BK


January 20, 1998

Ms. Regina M. Keeney
Chief, International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.

Dear Ms. Keeney:

We received your correspondence dated January 8, 1998 along with the attached Special Coordination Procedure for the Use of Frequencies 929.4125 MHz and 929.4875 MHz for Paging Operations in the United States Between Line A and the United States/Canada Border. We have reviewed this document and find it to be acceptable.

Accordingly, I have attached your copy of the jointly signed new Special Coordination Procedure for the above noted frequencies. Thank you for your collaboration in this matter.

Please be advised that all future correspondence or concerns of this nature should be directed to my attention.

Sincerely yours,

Ronald G. Amero
Director, Space and International Regulatory Activities
Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Regulatory Branch

Encl. (1)

Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554

(202) 418-0420
(202) 418-2818(fax)

January 8, 1998

Mr. Michael D. Connolly
Spectrum Management Operations Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulatory Branch
Industry Canada
300 Slater Street
Ottawa, Canada
K1A 0C8

Dear Mr. Connolly:

By letter dated November 6, 1996, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requested that Industry Canada transfer the operating authority imparted by two previously issued Special Coordination Procedures (SCP) for paging operations to Airtouch Paging. Those SCPs, dated January 11, 1994 and March 20, 1995, had been issued to Beepage, Inc. and authorized its use of the frequencies, 929.4125 MHz and 929.4875 MHz, respectively, for paging operations in the U.S., north of Line A. Such use upon those frequencies by U.S. licensees in the border area is not generally permitted by the controlling Arrangement titled, Interim Coordination Considerations for the Band 929-932 MHz, signed September 14, 1983, as amended; thus dictating the need for the SCPs. The SCPs were jointly signed by our two Agencies upon demonstration by Beepage that arrangements had been successfully completed with its Canadian business associate, Prime Communications Corporation (Prime), and then followed up with our Agencies.

In response to that letter, your office on November 28, 1997 indicated by FAX that further changes would need to be included since pertinent Canadian paging licenses issued to Prime had in the interim been reassigned to Northstar Paging. It was further suggested that it might be more expeditious to generate a completely new SCP to factor in the aggregation changes that had occurred since the transfer process had been initially addressed. Taking your recommendations into account, a new SCP has been produced which consolidates the two earlier SCPs and incorporates the dual licensee changes. That document has been attached for your review. Also attached is correspondence signed by both Airtouch Paging and Northstar Paging, Ltd. which confirms that they have made the requisite joint agreement and will adhere to the SCP subject to the procedures and conditions specified therein.

Your concurrence with the Special Coordination Procedure is requested. After reviewing the attached, should you agree with the designated course of action, please confirm your acceptance of this document as an understanding between our two Agencies by signing the two attached copies and returning one signed copy of the SCP to the FCC. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Sincerely yours,

Regina M. Keeney
Bureau Chief

Special Coordination Procedure for the Use of Frequencies 929.4125 MHz and 929.4875 MHz for paging operations in the United States between line A and the United States/Canada border

Recognizing that the priority use of the frequencies 929.4125 MHz and 929.4875 MHz for paging operations, pursuant to the Interim Coordination Considerations for the Band 929-932 MHz, as amended between Industry Canada and the Federal Communications Commission, remains with Canada;

Considering that Northstar Paging, Inc. in Canada and Airtouch Paging in the United States have been granted nationwide authority to use 929.4125 MHz and 929.4875 MHz in their respective countries; and

Considering that the Federal Communications Commission and Industry Canada each has agreed in principle to the arrangement between Northstar Paging, Inc. and Airtouch Paging as outlined in their letter dated August 1, 1997:

It is Agreed that:

The Federal Communications Commission may authorize the use of 929.4125 MHz and 929.4875 MHz for paging operations between Line A and the U.S./Canada border (hereinafter "the coordination zone"), to the U.S. licensee that has nationwide authority for use of those channels, provided that the following conditions are placed on such authorizations:

  • U.S. stations within the coordination zone established under this special procedure may be operated only in accordance with the technical criteria contained in the Interim Coordination Considerations for the Band 929-932 MHz;
  • agreement will be reached between the U.S. and the Canadian licensees for each proposed
  • U.S. station on 929.4125 MHz and 929.4875 MHz within the coordination zone before it is placed in operation;
  • the Canadian licensee has priority use of 929.4125 MHz and 929.4875 MHz in the border area and use of the frequencies by the U.S. licensee within the coordination zone must not adversely affect any Canadian operations;
  • no service may be offered by the U.S. licensee within Canada; and
  • in the event of any harmful interference from U.S. operations to Canadian operations on 929.4125 MHz and 929.4875 MHz within the coordination zone, the U.S. licensee would take immediate action to resolve the situation.

This procedure is accepted as an understanding between Industry Canada and the Federal Communications Commission and becomes effective on the date of signature by representatives of both agencies.

space to insert signature

Regina M. Keeney
Chief, International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission

Date: January 8, 1998

space to insert signature

M. D. Connolly
Director, Spectrum Management
Industry Canada

Date: January 16, 1998