file: n:\ec\trade_mark\01\32\39\16\MichaelCarli12509134217863_rev.html printed: 2007-09-26 06:23

Electronic Application Receive TimeStamp: September 25, 2007 2:14:31 PM

Date : September 25, 2007

Registrar of Trade-marks
Trade-marks Office
Gatineau,Quebec  K1A 0C9

Attention: Veronique Mak-Fan, Examination Section

We acknowledge your letter of June 8, 2007 and are pleased to enclose herewith our client's revised application.

Trade-mark application number: 1323916

Reference No. : 23053


1. The applicant, Romanelli Construction Company Ltd. the full post office address of whose principal office or place of business is 1155 Barmac Drive, Suite 200, Weston ONTARIO, CANADA, M9L 1X4, applies for the registration, in accordance with the provisions of the Trade-marks Act, of the trade-mark identified below.

2. The trade-mark is


3. The applicant disclaims the right to the exclusive use of the word basement apart from the trade-mark.

4. The trade-mark has been used in Canada by the applicant in association with all the specific services listed hereafter, and the applicant requests registration in respect of such services. The trade-mark has been so used in Canada in association with the general class of services comprising the following specific services (1) construction and installation of waterproofing systems for residential building foundations since May 15, 1976.

5. The applicant appoints MICHAEL A. CARLI, whose full post office address in Canada is (RIGOBON, CARLI), SUITE 401, 3700 STEELES AVE. W., WOODBRIDGE, ONTARIO, CANADA, L4L 8K8, as the person (firm or any member of the said firm), as its agent to prosecute this revised application with full powers of amendment and substitution, to execute any amendment related thereto as well as any amended revised application, and to represent the applicant with respect to this revised application, the said agents being authorized to receive the registration certificate on behalf of the applicant.

6. The applicant is satisfied that it is entitled to use the trade-mark in Canada in association with the services described above.

Amended on : September 25, 2007