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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian imports
Naics 21229 - other metal ore mining
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
West Virginia 17,520,055 9,084,204 16,424,257 8,674,148 16,735,717
New York 2,735,020 2,346,022 1,296,277 2,797,006 9,146,149
Colorado 3,044,846 3,699,722 981,450 2,909,312 8,363,126
Ohio 835,693 877,490 816,058 1,887,279 2,767,209
Texas 593,428 748,915 335,526 353,402 2,333,332
Iowa 175 -- 19 571,761 2,228,438
California 5,939 792,921 12,221 11,942 894,852
Pennsylvania 1,766,621 1,623,257 1,260,793 723,082 844,550
Missouri 2,208 46,050 78 153 649,750
South Dakota 75 -- 1 22,770 575,664
Arkansas 180,205 40,218 38,612 164,727 422,245
South Carolina 472,193 330,351 103,128 292,941 309,006
Illinois 840,267 342,154 305,376 691,806 211,641
Kentucky 790,740 237,419 15,996 8,915 142,373
Alabama 63 79,634 5,169 10,933 121,623
Utah 5,049 2,271 33,372 259 116,471
Washington 20,417 16,086 31,752 58,485 115,703
New Jersey 94,965 3,126 5,642 61,889 95,610
Maryland 489 4,342 -- 34,754 84,508
Tennessee 171,864 248,293 120,738 6,485 56,197
Minnesota 1,583 70,459 7,220 35,872 45,691
Michigan 1,634,780 1,222,712 155,143 32,590 43,258
Delaware 910,983 243,839 351,120 111,377 33,656
Oregon 15,774 119,927 21,979 13,912 29,328
North Carolina 214,586 52,782 51,616 39,912 27,421
Georgia 727,995 524,643 90,908 20,590 16,637
Connecticut 3,542 223 46,045 325 10,459
Massachusetts 671 8,748 41,530 18,361 10,380
Alaska 11,882 32,677 61,371 75,553 9,555
Arizona 2,183,721 5,145,465 1,644,101 625,406 5,213
Nevada 19,551 126,967 12,126 13,152 3,992
Idaho 4,303 799 1,208 2,324 1,446
Virginia 134,443 3,531 50,313 697 964
Montana 153 765 520,664 113 715
Wyoming -- -- 1 220 241
Louisiana 1 17,644 48 57,031 68
North Dakota 12 7 -- 14 55
Vermont -- 24 6 6 27
Florida 1,639,312 119 1,522 9,965 22
Oklahoma 23 1,160 1 67 14
Wisconsin 5,016 10,455 9,142 20 10
Hawaii -- -- 13 40 5
Indiana 15,409 20 69,621 1,493 1
Mississippi 46,736 -- 9,006 27,469 --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- -- 755 --
New Mexico 8 386 -- 247 --
New Hampshire 3,596 -- 79 138 --
Nebraska -- -- 38 125 --
Rhode Island 11,665 -- 1 13 --
District of Columbia -- -- 12,294 -- --
Kansas 274 7 -- -- --
Maine 65 -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 36,666,396 28,105,834 24,943,581 20,369,836 46,453,322
Others 250,527,324 269,572,766 298,258,388 306,709,751 385,907,187
Total All Countries 287,193,720 297,678,600 323,201,969 327,079,587 432,360,509

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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