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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian imports
Naics 31324 - knit fabric mills
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
North Carolina 12,453,945 10,969,006 8,737,547 8,700,105 8,192,702
South Carolina 15,080,118 11,022,856 9,470,050 9,062,304 5,679,404
Georgia 3,096,020 2,568,035 2,380,369 3,092,858 3,267,919
California 1,733,314 1,631,817 2,842,555 2,540,657 2,226,537
Vermont 1,504,411 1,313,395 935,108 1,052,863 1,986,983
Tennessee 1,254,917 1,183,012 1,117,509 2,007,186 1,910,119
New York 1,756,196 1,611,431 1,453,428 1,723,911 1,692,391
Kansas 1,391,678 1,395,855 1,414,882 1,278,320 1,620,131
Ohio 789,452 1,206,943 1,078,123 1,022,828 1,378,813
Pennsylvania 1,548,174 1,123,597 1,126,698 1,417,277 1,168,974
Iowa 208,730 220,726 226,680 1,306,824 904,830
Minnesota 1,766,933 1,305,744 1,589,403 870,586 783,295
New Jersey 916,347 615,355 676,540 1,311,386 776,257
Florida 389,676 257,035 247,913 461,537 606,259
New Hampshire 987,231 606,847 1,118,498 452,942 552,218
Wisconsin 1,129,707 914,552 636,949 991,127 507,199
Rhode Island 830,037 751,908 483,950 754,854 482,585
Massachusetts 3,307,765 2,392,730 1,393,229 1,031,924 391,873
Other unspecified U.S. State 206,473 145,927 148,312 221,326 368,042
Michigan 323,762 213,141 180,991 243,792 352,616
Illinois 532,784 937,474 1,170,110 399,688 290,612
Alabama 269,998 314,964 533,810 414,142 259,349
Virginia 70,151 103,224 101,566 108,680 192,780
Indiana 672,162 327,905 177,743 35,303 143,061
Oregon 83,467 59,430 32,983 42,939 125,190
Washington 49,981 46,184 195,106 136,642 121,610
Missouri 127,901 155,634 93,089 67,414 117,069
Texas 61,429 26,109 93,022 261,824 110,419
Arizona 103,982 49,725 30,502 22,497 73,295
Colorado 170,490 60,293 17,547 13,173 55,195
Wyoming -- -- 53,510 31,979 44,308
Kentucky 107,407 20,088 16,924 91,004 39,563
Nevada 70,208 46,157 12,517 25,714 24,138
Utah 372,073 203,157 10,914 2,021 21,871
Maryland 109,024 34,292 46,915 13,263 19,223
Connecticut 16,965 28,436 4,918 32,435 18,161
Mississippi 1,869 6,071 250 4,153 13,789
Maine 19,473 10,343 14,456 5,913 8,844
West Virginia -- -- -- -- 7,893
Idaho 2,664 15 1,277 131,540 7,649
Arkansas 2,053 1,893 2,056 2,434 3,075
Alaska -- 350 744 435 1,229
North Dakota 4,076 2,218 14,929 590 741
South Dakota 2,486 -- 899 -- 725
Delaware 529 602 69 1,210 288
New Mexico -- -- -- -- 90
Louisiana 87,610 -- 9,245 143,663 68
Oklahoma 1,694 1,124 1,240 -- 23
Montana -- 202 2,097 224 --
Puerto Rico 408 6,001 -- -- --
Nebraska 1,305 -- -- -- --
Hawaii 67 -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 53,617,142 43,891,803 39,897,172 41,533,487 36,549,405
Others 200,349,756 184,222,105 187,176,225 214,631,859 186,703,565
Total All Countries 253,966,898 228,113,908 227,073,397 256,165,346 223,252,970

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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