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Report date: 2024-09-24


Canadian imports
Naics 31194 - seasoning and dressing manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Illinois 82,040,784 88,279,299 85,478,378 94,730,074 161,428,342
California 101,688,942 106,098,112 113,785,539 145,459,702 157,961,095
Wisconsin 53,083,402 57,251,062 62,954,132 73,529,762 90,541,097
Ohio 43,526,923 47,653,543 53,151,369 68,563,356 87,705,843
New York 37,866,973 44,820,008 44,487,674 47,635,057 58,480,113
Texas 28,529,864 26,649,780 32,468,081 39,629,458 50,518,386
Pennsylvania 67,479,967 59,224,877 51,984,763 74,450,346 45,225,199
Missouri 31,919,426 34,749,993 30,063,178 35,431,465 42,977,250
Maryland 43,136,576 41,559,908 41,533,874 37,995,822 32,316,425
Idaho 19,743,481 25,433,173 26,482,775 28,303,366 30,719,391
Indiana 6,732,876 6,949,601 13,202,553 23,490,626 27,315,753
New Jersey 21,978,646 16,759,772 17,825,916 18,947,872 23,191,890
Virginia 14,000,173 16,709,603 24,641,706 17,271,850 18,460,123
Michigan 9,559,662 12,984,548 16,401,085 18,178,216 18,426,631
Minnesota 17,739,893 22,160,451 23,709,525 24,297,207 17,707,593
Louisiana 11,063,627 8,731,554 9,277,782 21,632,282 17,587,649
Oregon 15,625,007 11,379,828 13,090,067 15,271,569 17,582,803
Iowa 9,584,015 12,063,027 12,889,006 13,116,606 15,654,883
Kentucky 5,301,504 8,042,736 7,512,498 8,673,693 9,482,488
Massachusetts 8,804,600 10,308,092 9,246,421 8,195,998 9,201,933
Washington 7,452,112 6,919,730 7,160,265 8,157,450 8,452,633
Georgia 11,549,993 13,302,605 8,817,559 5,860,799 7,883,163
North Carolina 3,965,619 4,758,511 6,070,014 7,641,723 7,590,194
Florida 3,612,514 6,448,595 2,773,884 3,218,477 4,271,049
Delaware 9,876,892 6,819,205 5,701,811 6,452,252 3,719,998
Kansas 1,710,170 1,220,263 1,735,301 2,274,875 3,714,122
Tennessee 1,568,369 1,954,622 1,783,593 1,770,614 3,235,539
Arizona 813,572 533,026 539,794 1,800,264 2,900,013
Puerto Rico 7,852 2,668 431,059 2,800,524 2,648,868
Colorado 862,022 1,024,285 1,191,714 1,331,239 1,973,530
New Mexico 1,054,581 1,187,026 1,199,225 1,947,392 1,923,432
South Carolina 1,074,332 1,313,301 1,576,762 2,385,705 1,785,281
New Hampshire 599,141 889,132 678,682 1,904,945 1,585,606
Nebraska 723,788 948,482 1,285,648 940,040 1,537,668
Alabama 296,406 455,325 187,338 230,177 1,397,976
Utah 1,423,705 2,004,341 1,865,398 1,874,652 1,250,974
Maine 1,318,093 1,722,153 2,613,519 1,501,813 1,181,485
Wyoming 541,049 1,091,066 1,286,476 836,356 977,023
Arkansas 325,173 729,471 652,308 732,008 756,727
Nevada 1,166,460 1,310,651 1,284,583 1,364,287 753,199
North Dakota 152,222 49,232 52,449 832,126 625,617
Oklahoma 162,104 551,458 943,871 606,527 518,065
Hawaii 177,521 349,178 486,720 484,215 478,423
West Virginia 538 80 262,487 634,079 476,101
Other unspecified U.S. State 205,127 340,590 188,361 167,869 352,334
Vermont 639,923 850,185 372,000 266,462 294,586
Mississippi 2,127,413 557,146 513,186 683,409 274,678
Connecticut 639,017 851,659 1,097,727 196,278 106,675
Rhode Island 97,374 34,696 57,628 203,652 100,231
Montana 41,333 52,356 142,762 182,614 98,012
South Dakota 5,767 3,065 12,427 46,911 19,344
District of Columbia 116 654 118 439 1,781
Alaska 971 257 1,883 374 81
U.S. Virgin Islands 46 637 32 -- --
Sub-total 683,597,656 716,084,618 743,152,906 874,134,874 995,369,295
Others 384,282,588 447,158,726 459,317,437 528,711,304 565,428,532
Total All Countries 1,067,880,244 1,163,243,344 1,202,470,343 1,402,846,178 1,560,797,827

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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