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Report date: 2024-10-12


Canadian imports
Hs 930200 - revolvers and pistols, other than those of no 93.03 or 93.04
HS 930310 - Muzzle-loading firearms
HS 930320 - Shotguns incl combination shotgun-rifles sporting, hunting or target-shooting
HS 930330 - Rifles, sporting, hunting or target-shooting, nes
All countries (detailed)
Year to date - current year vs. previous year
Value in canadian dollars


Jan-Aug 2023 Jan-Aug 2024 % Change 2024/2023
HS 930200 - Revolvers and pistols, other than those of No 93.03 or 93.04
United States 7,386,286 6,114,533 -17.2%
Czech Republic 68,513 484,503 607.2%
Hungary -- 383,166 --
Austria 64,337 93,786 45.8%
Italy (incl. Vatican City State) 476,899 54,363 -88.6%
Germany 289,196 47,529 -83.6%
Brazil 25,211 40,608 61.1%
Switzerland 37,447 19,741 -47.3%
United Kingdom 1,541 15,992 937.8%
France (incl. Monaco, French Antilles) 8,945 10,589 18.4%
Belgium 274 5,292 1,831.4%
China 2,770 4,930 78.0%
Hong Kong -- 2,003 --
Japan 778 1,402 80.2%
Taiwan 573 1,044 82.2%
Sweden -- 532 --
Poland -- 365 --
Sub-Total 8,362,770 7,280,378 -12.9%
HS 930310 - Muzzle-loading firearms
Spain 1,052,234 1,113,763 5.8%
Italy (incl. Vatican City State) 126,798 132,940 4.8%
United States 44,148 48,300 9.4%
Malaysia -- 17,203 --
India 19,314 -- --
Japan 538 -- --
Türkiye 538 -- --
Germany 200 -- --
Sub-Total 1,243,770 1,312,206 5.5%
HS 930320 - Shotguns incl combination shotgun-rifles sporting, hunting or target-shooting
Italy (incl. Vatican City State) 13,288,101 10,683,989 -19.6%
United States 10,786,208 7,672,024 -28.9%
Türkiye 11,700,903 7,242,378 -38.1%
Portugal 2,154,536 1,702,545 -21.0%
Japan 956,841 728,220 -23.9%
Brazil 1,099,874 469,310 -57.3%
Germany 434,076 385,275 -11.2%
China 824,417 181,048 -78.0%
United Kingdom 492,447 178,058 -63.8%
Russia 10,224 152,639 1,393.0%
Czech Republic 207,650 137,379 -33.8%
New Zealand -- 73,613 --
Spain 241,271 70,279 -70.9%
Serbia 62 68,991 111,175.8%
Belgium 56,113 52,891 -5.7%
Hungary 2,964 7,965 168.7%
France (incl. Monaco, French Antilles) 47,337 5,908 -87.5%
Austria 1,656 1,577 -4.8%
Finland 23,017 744 -96.8%
Luxembourg -- 729 --
Australia -- 560 --
Sweden 8,478 298 -96.5%
Switzerland -- 268 --
Philippines -- 265 --
Norway -- 149 --
Re-Imports (Canada) 272 43 -84.2%
Denmark 75 -- --
Sub-Total 42,336,522 29,817,145 -29.6%
HS 930330 - Rifles, sporting, hunting or target-shooting, nes
United States 51,701,060 39,369,552 -23.9%
Finland 14,368,223 16,076,401 11.9%
Germany 4,816,973 5,199,208 7.9%
Japan 6,744,027 4,855,513 -28.0%
Italy (incl. Vatican City State) 5,486,760 4,114,117 -25.0%
China 649,887 4,023,216 519.1%
Czech Republic 6,250,970 3,216,352 -48.5%
Brazil 1,954,847 2,614,806 33.8%
Türkiye 1,706,345 2,229,700 30.7%
Portugal 1,700,800 2,126,206 25.0%
Spain 1,904,657 1,626,145 -14.6%
Switzerland 2,611,507 1,579,899 -39.5%
Israel 1,678,554 798,278 -52.4%
Belgium 809,840 515,948 -36.3%
Austria 468,914 500,500 6.7%
United Kingdom 272,026 478,406 75.9%
Russia 187 57,066 30,416.6%
Ukraine -- 45,738 --
Re-Imports (Canada) 171,611 28,122 -83.6%
Georgia -- 25,536 --
Slovakia 33,347 11,031 -66.9%
Ireland -- 6,621 --
Sweden 118,690 5,901 -95.0%
France (incl. Monaco, French Antilles) 50,499 4,734 -90.6%
Australia 1,046 2,558 144.6%
Greece -- 2,284 --
Serbia 311 1,991 540.2%
India -- 1,706 --
South Africa -- 1,147 --
Taiwan -- 897 --
Norway 143 887 520.3%
Hong Kong -- 450 --
Nicaragua -- 343 --
New Zealand -- 14 --
Mexico 60,777 -- --
Philippines 2,149 -- --
Denmark 1,526 -- --
Poland 486 -- --
Dominican Republic 265 -- --
Sub-Total 103,566,427 89,521,273 -13.6%
Total All Countries 155,509,489 127,931,002 -17.7%

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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