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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian imports
Naics 3344 - semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
California 144,055,004 135,240,756 126,266,690 150,293,640 130,430,773
New York 40,325,313 41,957,929 50,353,318 157,866,800 93,533,584
Vermont 610,763,963 516,098,639 273,085,031 89,322,040 71,338,794
Massachusetts 53,701,723 46,027,200 48,876,448 62,384,630 60,359,439
Illinois 32,860,235 24,654,860 26,029,684 39,404,748 49,365,055
Texas 39,298,286 37,638,363 31,476,889 48,072,690 43,760,138
Florida 23,395,965 21,787,729 27,225,277 40,397,999 37,125,722
Nevada 21,654,714 22,981,253 26,488,621 27,925,300 33,060,834
Wisconsin 27,679,392 18,578,979 19,946,224 28,595,559 30,615,592
Minnesota 29,587,564 20,644,175 22,011,246 29,556,037 27,508,359
Arizona 15,417,146 13,045,949 13,831,036 20,132,898 27,130,506
Pennsylvania 41,238,043 29,297,947 24,903,803 31,944,181 23,710,216
New Jersey 19,809,267 15,029,073 17,029,675 20,542,017 23,709,881
Ohio 25,013,193 20,047,637 16,141,553 18,970,212 22,167,528
Michigan 11,670,195 8,781,996 9,302,095 13,670,227 21,013,387
Virginia 12,558,837 10,545,907 8,777,379 6,597,858 12,026,084
Washington 12,631,022 9,519,816 11,592,245 14,038,554 11,447,945
North Carolina 10,817,051 8,084,898 9,266,939 12,354,643 11,363,501
New Hampshire 7,698,356 5,482,688 5,332,648 8,169,315 9,169,009
Maryland 6,195,247 2,104,732 4,384,798 6,729,202 9,123,897
Kansas 9,470,745 7,332,800 6,286,712 7,724,062 8,813,687
Oregon 10,634,274 8,122,260 6,319,800 9,111,199 8,334,444
Kentucky 3,692,399 2,101,064 1,548,828 4,514,080 8,241,459
Connecticut 7,308,005 5,154,732 8,844,051 8,881,607 7,962,948
Missouri 22,373,919 9,377,172 5,131,432 7,908,830 7,784,129
Mississippi 11,369,812 2,630,530 2,477,276 3,644,502 7,458,985
Georgia 6,428,598 8,150,199 7,935,472 7,153,212 7,448,486
Colorado 10,084,137 8,204,117 4,554,315 4,367,668 6,809,400
Tennessee 4,849,521 4,592,948 5,773,416 4,178,104 6,795,801
South Carolina 6,299,268 5,099,914 3,368,827 4,523,322 6,252,573
Indiana 3,617,650 2,433,797 3,392,397 4,068,319 5,675,352
Utah 3,102,965 4,101,089 4,859,993 5,091,014 3,755,098
Iowa 5,612,141 3,364,024 7,034,182 9,593,190 3,643,870
Rhode Island 1,769,483 1,476,747 1,536,117 2,931,341 3,308,375
Alabama 1,178,732 2,393,232 2,496,818 2,950,925 2,770,996
North Dakota 1,100,718 1,251,673 1,680,536 1,954,424 2,126,313
South Dakota 512,145 854,729 1,057,351 2,135,579 1,385,097
Oklahoma 969,645 1,660,590 1,764,966 1,319,205 1,311,959
Idaho 702,132 1,253,031 840,753 865,005 953,291
Nebraska 522,070 1,014,665 930,911 831,491 920,385
Maine 704,411 494,518 625,061 651,879 901,117
Other unspecified U.S. State 1,496,645 1,590,230 1,538,008 1,585,559 842,799
Arkansas 323,903 112,293 138,749 266,742 490,794
New Mexico 1,064,187 778,614 681,692 783,446 461,728
Wyoming 234,299 171,503 220,310 241,852 418,651
Montana 1,385,455 473,171 338,308 318,484 409,221
Delaware 456,246 362,387 771,536 549,501 381,421
Puerto Rico 2,664,088 199,402 1,706,338 333,974 190,206
Louisiana 227,554 122,622 140,354 102,364 187,755
West Virginia 2,306,228 590,369 296,046 159,336 104,872
U.S. Virgin Islands 38,857 36,274 53,183 71,291 91,563
District of Columbia 19,713 29,482 12,031 -- 55,883
Alaska 19,924 6,589 19,020 33,875 6,289
Hawaii 28,224 39,688 170,049 33,104 534
Sub-total 1,308,938,609 1,093,126,981 856,866,437 925,847,036 854,255,725
Others 3,993,328,860 3,677,755,427 4,573,177,204 6,249,557,504 5,131,560,177
Total All Countries 5,302,267,469 4,770,882,408 5,430,043,641 7,175,404,540 5,985,815,902

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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