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Report date: 2024-09-23


Canadian imports
Naics 33331 - commercial and service industry machinery manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Ohio 207,087,549 202,797,694 184,142,066 206,319,932 236,239,719
California 136,092,972 98,885,071 117,986,001 127,410,254 123,625,147
Illinois 127,186,284 91,861,711 84,501,370 96,092,073 107,270,616
New York 80,112,736 51,948,719 51,914,393 84,982,150 97,071,189
Wisconsin 40,434,571 33,871,316 39,640,780 57,382,306 58,271,387
Washington 117,276,121 63,308,829 31,122,907 45,825,085 52,258,462
North Carolina 47,265,086 51,080,247 42,718,651 41,636,034 48,011,671
Tennessee 29,701,156 31,968,791 55,713,656 61,019,144 46,940,616
South Carolina 19,326,208 26,474,462 23,786,573 32,250,404 44,863,589
Texas 37,371,242 31,383,983 31,477,691 46,336,588 44,702,983
Colorado 12,500,661 9,781,577 8,802,237 16,070,675 40,413,217
Minnesota 40,303,805 40,477,093 30,775,397 30,807,755 39,311,882
Florida 29,781,747 26,415,514 24,691,596 32,457,255 36,393,369
Pennsylvania 23,922,415 24,021,579 31,538,259 34,463,444 34,464,863
Michigan 26,932,977 23,730,426 21,571,735 29,862,983 33,297,822
New Hampshire 17,538,278 15,236,248 15,541,453 17,022,338 31,812,151
Kentucky 14,766,365 12,994,546 33,785,035 39,178,720 29,914,306
Massachusetts 25,389,295 19,946,956 23,689,970 23,620,559 28,915,532
Indiana 29,643,558 22,203,678 20,354,035 23,945,094 24,563,199
Georgia 20,061,331 11,340,476 16,836,437 15,257,332 21,896,004
Oregon 18,237,317 12,420,939 16,594,702 17,275,312 19,779,972
New Jersey 15,009,424 15,405,636 12,134,477 16,878,947 19,734,867
Louisiana 15,771,428 12,147,400 14,863,694 16,743,434 18,499,882
Virginia 25,593,495 30,171,391 25,534,558 18,419,949 16,554,487
Connecticut 13,416,960 11,185,257 16,550,785 24,849,085 15,447,151
Mississippi 8,756,217 8,841,399 7,296,505 14,271,209 14,660,903
Utah 13,664,357 15,198,295 5,382,154 10,730,250 14,310,536
Rhode Island 12,343,581 11,816,307 12,200,122 28,494,599 13,238,523
Kansas 6,633,293 5,326,810 5,283,980 9,253,152 13,234,491
Iowa 8,903,661 8,687,579 6,960,999 5,834,062 10,232,601
Missouri 12,369,239 6,573,646 8,301,259 13,116,455 9,917,929
Arizona 4,914,252 5,964,482 7,227,150 5,138,030 9,632,542
Arkansas 2,246,301 1,955,960 1,656,431 3,913,450 6,767,137
Alabama 5,636,775 5,287,458 6,328,505 5,253,969 5,557,358
Nevada 3,013,853 3,002,068 6,044,198 6,956,176 5,213,898
Idaho 4,338,958 3,295,317 5,552,375 4,392,558 5,172,355
Maryland 6,767,385 4,803,783 5,392,919 8,258,284 5,049,743
Oklahoma 7,332,722 4,272,354 3,562,223 18,615,873 4,960,114
Vermont 6,992,394 5,753,573 4,986,890 6,602,171 4,737,429
Other unspecified U.S. State 3,188,548 2,617,187 2,676,459 2,148,345 2,388,376
Montana 1,296,869 829,964 723,482 1,010,600 1,925,052
New Mexico 509,311 631,676 4,223,573 1,759,369 1,691,742
Nebraska 1,688,017 1,149,541 2,063,824 1,493,205 1,637,494
Delaware 759,278 1,988,656 653,793 1,298,026 1,197,114
West Virginia 2,164,912 3,567,841 822,380 947,066 1,040,321
Wyoming 791,711 356,519 808,214 1,462,522 839,171
Maine 454,145 456,802 186,073 481,747 694,935
North Dakota 557,014 247,000 396,770 344,546 310,716
Alaska 23,565 14,342 6,347 7,514 158,753
South Dakota 627,737 281,565 937,133 776,336 85,208
Hawaii 30,645 135,029 187,382 -- 48,164
District of Columbia 67,658 1,040 3,447 18,756 37,077
U.S. Virgin Islands 1,710 6,113 8,249 16,176 13,977
Puerto Rico 34,309 99,103 31,009 68,759 9,648
Sub-total 1,286,831,398 1,074,220,948 1,076,172,303 1,308,770,057 1,405,017,390
Others 1,612,529,386 1,482,841,168 1,745,591,524 1,981,665,534 2,168,524,589
Total All Countries 2,899,360,784 2,557,062,116 2,821,763,827 3,290,435,591 3,573,541,979

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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