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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian imports
Naics 32519 - other basic organic chemical manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Texas 986,337,071 837,758,844 1,159,751,909 1,525,991,122 1,685,455,188
South Dakota 58,737,178 77,131,509 174,992,850 321,546,474 433,611,245
Iowa 227,903,943 197,706,124 267,638,484 385,340,953 402,438,428
Minnesota 101,718,892 139,734,473 236,256,755 465,628,154 380,008,071
Illinois 260,007,947 276,376,040 268,183,456 398,540,218 334,861,347
North Dakota 125,535,251 117,872,056 171,741,863 236,683,043 317,353,269
Kansas 20,246,932 46,904,602 167,626,413 303,255,675 313,104,715
New Jersey 191,509,469 196,119,211 251,039,310 321,680,633 266,009,657
Ohio 191,767,703 148,092,109 183,408,719 257,439,963 238,670,285
Pennsylvania 147,253,495 129,857,122 149,363,075 169,305,157 174,917,879
Louisiana 107,033,074 105,832,880 191,875,507 255,610,496 158,414,702
Wisconsin 215,785,384 165,459,878 250,445,030 276,338,926 154,757,213
New York 68,114,310 68,001,369 127,571,403 111,884,077 95,062,823
Tennessee 75,069,324 67,028,715 107,063,039 106,857,846 87,109,044
Michigan 57,176,178 48,155,664 50,120,836 70,234,925 86,002,112
California 59,269,999 91,919,321 154,601,031 95,518,641 76,112,294
Missouri 79,652,291 80,719,162 85,587,524 76,731,472 74,367,305
North Carolina 32,516,391 29,438,771 44,714,097 64,907,949 54,566,893
Georgia 49,123,972 47,040,080 49,842,522 48,782,498 48,810,578
South Carolina 46,584,685 60,772,935 44,558,774 44,657,646 45,494,804
Alabama 50,452,773 50,550,106 57,305,539 55,350,735 39,973,141
Florida 26,854,733 26,974,874 26,102,144 29,299,604 35,576,735
Virginia 33,428,440 32,362,105 49,960,072 61,435,370 35,427,216
Kentucky 44,680,895 58,548,520 72,288,290 34,690,501 33,785,372
West Virginia 23,140,115 25,252,011 34,321,025 34,857,053 30,919,786
Indiana 22,686,708 28,294,738 35,575,129 80,046,969 29,931,027
Massachusetts 39,972,541 32,586,431 66,142,103 76,570,318 25,414,200
Oregon 11,934,722 19,139,162 15,190,203 16,694,906 22,707,170
Nebraska 32,581,108 27,594,256 24,647,839 24,639,111 20,198,649
Colorado 47,023,442 33,832,521 24,744,102 24,630,273 19,442,673
Utah 8,583,470 14,317,023 15,665,471 19,182,531 16,685,424
Delaware 15,626,615 32,707,276 13,041,357 16,397,703 15,890,147
Connecticut 17,079,995 15,041,628 9,784,039 13,915,258 15,159,608
Washington 15,562,632 16,974,442 19,665,619 16,066,189 14,392,742
Maryland 6,541,698 23,042,402 26,653,522 14,542,618 13,257,910
Arkansas 14,054,663 10,913,453 10,804,223 14,210,745 12,352,106
Oklahoma 8,921,384 9,240,130 8,518,036 10,908,182 11,867,098
Idaho 1,696,122 1,885,158 876,882 1,933,341 2,607,864
Arizona 1,566,327 1,405,276 4,056,781 3,822,520 2,129,467
Rhode Island 1,183,066 2,549,198 1,528,728 2,623,924 1,991,214
District of Columbia 3,329 565,839 850 591,115 1,961,859
Mississippi 826,108 947,816 2,445,988 1,257,881 1,862,245
Nevada 1,709,503 2,873,141 3,103,347 1,533,145 1,768,346
Montana 363,385 149,525 1,973,926 1,465,716 1,519,056
New Hampshire 270,579 521,231 545,401 581,402 1,098,868
Vermont 45,664 124,119 774,498 159,552 805,835
Wyoming 278,814 343,509 403,963 1,117,252 702,057
Maine 955,356 2,432,132 1,229,499 783,924 350,281
New Mexico 464,887 38,754 306,493 51,940 308,861
Other unspecified U.S. State 177,333 150,784 122,234 103,854 276,074
Puerto Rico 6,652,977 5,758,885 6,149,964 23,380 39,276
Hawaii 175 1,365 1,718 538 966
Alaska 2,525 847 64,620 6,068 2
U.S. Virgin Islands 7,616 1 90 -- --
Sub-total 3,536,673,189 3,409,039,523 4,670,376,292 6,096,429,486 5,837,531,127
Others 2,999,922,041 3,084,952,937 3,533,419,772 5,713,200,787 6,129,917,883
Total All Countries 6,536,595,230 6,493,992,460 8,203,796,064 11,809,630,273 11,967,449,010

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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