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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian total exports
Naics 11142 - nursery and floriculture production
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Florida 42,266,224 50,796,143 74,574,998 99,273,695 107,707,371
New York 75,333,773 73,162,020 77,465,413 81,931,636 88,921,531
Washington 49,324,115 51,601,286 62,042,634 70,686,884 84,645,417
Massachusetts 36,126,907 34,936,539 47,020,281 67,967,569 73,700,144
California 27,438,728 30,362,800 39,611,483 46,154,467 62,909,992
Illinois 38,086,461 40,916,836 46,352,763 49,044,279 58,109,773
Michigan 37,818,468 36,669,994 44,977,631 44,339,800 50,050,480
New Jersey 24,461,290 27,223,161 35,031,940 38,267,218 44,666,768
Ohio 24,628,563 27,483,719 33,145,496 36,863,272 42,643,121
Texas 22,419,320 23,314,272 31,274,381 35,236,977 42,541,888
Pennsylvania 26,372,027 26,480,927 32,140,758 35,054,100 40,927,906
Maine 27,228,417 27,648,362 31,989,274 35,072,665 39,580,168
North Carolina 22,825,961 23,888,299 27,327,569 34,415,286 38,171,224
Georgia 9,929,774 7,845,436 15,480,913 23,499,491 27,877,979
Oregon 15,049,352 17,135,237 21,114,580 23,841,017 25,578,136
Wisconsin 10,828,304 12,650,197 14,882,457 18,020,082 22,212,302
Connecticut 18,185,264 16,768,503 20,986,854 20,124,805 22,206,934
Tennessee 6,136,958 7,256,210 16,577,274 17,315,750 15,471,464
Virginia 9,398,024 10,102,301 13,711,223 15,089,425 15,292,061
Arizona 4,741,212 6,358,786 11,766,141 11,869,051 14,326,721
Maryland 6,030,206 5,389,401 7,627,733 9,957,456 11,250,855
Colorado 4,524,731 7,049,353 12,308,597 9,003,450 9,168,270
Indiana 7,010,100 8,050,111 9,106,837 8,806,673 9,119,504
Missouri 5,903,241 6,538,429 8,525,687 7,832,743 8,595,372
New Hampshire 5,785,127 6,562,323 7,049,744 8,101,191 8,187,322
Minnesota 7,611,600 6,790,034 7,553,717 6,388,755 7,936,277
Kentucky 2,086,191 1,768,696 3,565,592 4,855,645 7,472,649
Vermont 5,639,877 3,580,214 4,237,633 4,846,949 7,357,937
Idaho 3,328,679 3,169,110 4,181,919 3,727,046 5,904,457
South Carolina 3,445,451 4,710,494 4,918,358 5,719,497 5,441,016
Alabama 2,028,881 2,259,374 3,847,538 3,768,587 4,680,757
Iowa 2,227,580 3,245,453 3,270,946 4,702,784 4,549,418
Oklahoma 2,330,945 2,432,587 3,384,540 4,288,285 3,784,646
Utah 4,447,054 2,928,850 3,995,136 3,888,382 3,497,915
Montana 1,260,122 1,724,595 2,483,630 1,777,262 3,385,122
Louisiana 1,868,764 2,264,857 2,465,397 2,306,388 2,753,854
Nebraska 1,519,487 1,755,388 1,942,045 3,189,661 2,734,835
Arkansas 1,823,703 2,678,008 3,881,627 2,748,785 2,477,011
Alaska 1,955,945 2,306,274 2,292,862 1,970,652 2,202,904
Kansas 1,082,204 1,605,528 2,354,699 2,370,849 2,152,508
Rhode Island 1,878,119 2,045,979 2,748,116 2,412,379 1,875,626
Delaware 1,024,049 709,371 619,741 650,858 990,139
North Dakota 488,090 535,742 583,800 797,837 825,242
Wyoming 499,198 943,727 992,564 733,087 816,800
West Virginia 531,821 339,996 736,413 359,051 568,380
Mississippi 372,365 721,008 876,901 855,287 558,631
New Mexico 474,753 568,106 921,443 579,280 468,844
Puerto Rico 1,014,222 851,010 214,048 335,655 424,754
District of Columbia 514,123 714,099 598,798 755,613 264,251
South Dakota 57,146 96,559 135,818 180,418 177,758
Hawaii 278,607 108,186 50,217 64,833 120,574
Nevada 43,804 78,283 49,462 32,276 94,997
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- 11,015 75,696 --
Other unspecified U.S. State 12,579 3,368 -- -- --
Sub-total 607,697,906 637,125,541 805,006,636 912,150,779 1,037,380,005
Others 3,990,765 2,979,830 4,397,372 4,809,573 4,704,916
Total All Countries 611,688,671 640,105,371 809,404,008 916,960,352 1,042,084,921

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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