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Report date: 2024-09-26


Canadian imports
Naics 3241 - petroleum and coal product manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
North Dakota 2,705,132,022 2,399,777,370 1,978,419,918 1,962,354,104 5,900,967,983
Texas 3,977,927,635 1,648,762,018 3,164,875,342 4,464,267,598 4,415,039,000
Louisiana 805,925,665 720,370,524 1,077,079,391 2,036,897,586 2,276,068,797
Minnesota 395,385,949 1,552,829,414 2,125,046,123 3,652,310,744 1,373,963,901
Illinois 2,669,684,968 1,231,980,746 2,314,559,420 4,745,155,477 1,302,036,228
Washington 1,026,047,094 481,476,730 622,154,917 965,822,358 890,372,665
Pennsylvania 463,011,233 291,886,930 411,851,750 767,238,444 756,900,618
Ohio 510,314,645 282,245,598 361,973,343 661,127,735 588,164,874
Michigan 227,529,634 245,983,184 556,592,797 662,259,049 425,055,586
Indiana 135,305,265 144,656,338 228,622,709 383,349,886 418,801,398
California 170,097,641 275,937,791 290,350,076 183,552,215 347,142,966
New Jersey 180,929,878 101,417,817 95,512,223 283,932,530 243,568,190
New York 189,292,360 135,217,320 226,371,127 348,696,257 204,389,376
Oregon 124,738,666 107,142,879 132,903,558 168,748,575 167,229,046
Alaska 91,375,184 56,816,685 83,077,144 145,758,579 119,636,075
Wyoming 13,738,832 7,508,219 23,390,453 61,375,476 118,070,396
West Virginia 92,889,930 46,268,113 57,074,370 76,583,548 100,814,142
Oklahoma 67,967,584 50,184,136 83,791,049 91,357,944 99,674,301
Wisconsin 186,179,555 49,222,140 34,437,492 49,536,954 91,643,247
Colorado 8,596,991 7,146,500 104,947,831 113,553,863 53,840,237
Mississippi 24,832,091 19,928,265 38,799,684 51,552,350 53,151,132
Kansas 34,244,041 39,141,656 22,170,505 38,140,266 49,453,446
Kentucky 27,637,134 23,645,044 23,015,133 30,739,382 42,253,516
Iowa 18,335,802 14,244,425 16,924,608 26,706,707 25,660,629
Nebraska 35,235,955 30,828,805 29,494,939 33,644,970 25,622,485
Arkansas 13,207,044 14,753,831 15,109,216 25,780,766 23,802,658
Georgia 7,542,240 8,435,181 13,815,379 15,669,452 20,767,716
Utah 6,038,738 6,971,864 6,822,101 10,978,381 15,562,744
Missouri 7,617,981 9,129,579 10,125,836 13,704,663 14,036,933
Virginia 3,340,258 12,953,236 6,672,506 14,722,019 12,207,597
Montana 55,477,394 37,995,473 53,917,037 40,576,690 11,376,076
Tennessee 7,752,710 9,194,221 15,680,526 23,577,578 10,120,554
Florida 17,268,790 16,040,812 59,661,780 37,681,542 9,705,978
Massachusetts 12,963,320 11,587,310 8,941,818 7,571,274 9,024,775
Maine 7,053,750 4,307,237 2,788,150 11,505,203 6,620,530
Alabama 9,053,008 5,056,874 18,580,079 5,440,219 5,099,634
South Carolina 2,361,830 1,554,556 1,762,410 1,345,937 4,863,612
Arizona 5,194,785 4,389,476 4,471,650 4,293,547 4,019,819
New Hampshire 11,642,525 3,061,939 4,380,493 4,391,874 3,834,594
Connecticut 118,320,841 25,677,038 2,209,911 2,537,864 3,505,887
Idaho 1,905,520 2,146,348 2,832,918 2,540,694 3,048,485
North Carolina 1,886,650 965,383 1,682,296 2,293,573 2,855,624
South Dakota 104,894 99,674 127,586 858,509 2,312,436
Delaware 86,128,090 17,511,495 1,896,402 19,699,355 1,976,318
Maryland 3,469,356 4,114,721 2,320,298 29,273,377 1,900,617
Nevada 856,544 1,360,796 2,089,504 3,170,868 1,438,035
Rhode Island 244,324 62,537 270,639 150,059 724,791
Vermont 182,042 116,688 45,165 276,421 51,367
Other unspecified U.S. State 35,450 31,171 35,723 22,345 45,701
New Mexico 44,066 35,744 18,799 20,374 8,026
U.S. Virgin Islands -- 18,106,036 -- 499,355 --
Hawaii 426 -- 16,592 482 --
Puerto Rico -- 35,209 3,442 -- --
District of Columbia -- 13 18 -- --
Sub-total 14,562,048,330 10,180,313,089 14,339,714,176 22,283,245,018 20,258,430,741
Others 5,614,856,333 2,398,409,440 4,414,282,808 6,756,229,465 5,686,129,020
Total All Countries 20,176,904,663 12,578,722,529 18,753,996,984 29,039,474,483 25,944,559,761

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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