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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian imports
Naics 21221 - iron ore mining
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Minnesota 572,225,424 389,988,842 503,782,715 663,773,503 736,646,950
Michigan 287,878,240 266,578,041 239,745,271 186,560,764 184,809,431
Pennsylvania 22,106 10,304 114,401,890 59,959,553 123,405,803
West Virginia 221,216 12,082 1,487,567 9,121,668 5,121,582
Ohio 147,504,774 145,783,750 72,786,556 429,320 3,820,218
Kentucky 3,285 15,452 23,750 49,878 142,088
Washington -- 9,509 16,173 20,992 79,768
Indiana 134,426 3 145,772 -- 43,793
Nevada 200 109 554 8,703 20,211
Illinois 10,642 9,615 264,429 6,890,376 16,877
Arizona 518,380 189,765 769,382 238,321 15,472
Other unspecified U.S. State 2,267 568 614 2,227 3,971
Louisiana -- 254 172 -- 757
Maryland 3,079 2,119 125 -- 613
Alabama -- -- -- -- 399
Massachusetts -- -- -- -- 139
New York 882 260 166 226 110
Arkansas -- 80 -- 13 88
Virginia -- -- -- -- 83
Texas 15 56,403 840,083 387 42
Connecticut -- -- -- -- 20
California 135 55 277 -- 16
Colorado 212 101 53 172 14
North Carolina 40 -- 75,013 50 14
Alaska 26 41 -- 130 13
Wisconsin 63,517 -- 187,462 245,415 --
Oregon 19,958 6,208 -- 25 --
Montana -- -- -- 13 --
Georgia 1 -- -- 1 --
South Carolina -- 1 628 -- --
Utah 757 128 36 -- --
New Jersey -- 15 -- -- --
Delaware -- 13 -- -- --
Florida -- 7 -- -- --
Idaho 92 -- -- -- --
Oklahoma 40 -- -- -- --
Maine -- -- -- -- --
New Hampshire -- -- -- -- --
Rhode Island -- -- -- -- --
Vermont -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
North Dakota -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Iowa -- -- -- -- --
Kansas -- -- -- -- --
Missouri -- -- -- -- --
Mississippi -- -- -- -- --
Nebraska -- -- -- -- --
New Mexico -- -- -- -- --
Tennessee -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
South Dakota -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Wyoming -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 1,008,609,714 802,663,725 934,528,688 927,301,737 1,054,128,472
Others 13,584,766 9,079,019 27,982,438 10,170,961 22,011,637
Total All Countries 1,022,194,480 811,742,744 962,511,126 937,472,698 1,076,140,109

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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