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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian imports
Naics 31332 - fabric coating
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Michigan 22,832,438 20,542,071 18,366,066 21,001,239 25,689,043
Georgia 19,856,297 14,105,834 8,074,085 16,569,531 17,135,364
North Carolina 31,195,482 25,942,364 21,314,775 20,423,598 16,489,903
South Carolina 9,619,754 15,441,737 17,923,613 12,796,547 11,084,547
Maryland 11,118,158 4,991,457 4,633,068 7,803,233 8,521,432
Tennessee 5,210,350 9,183,972 5,405,809 8,679,270 8,134,275
Ohio 5,605,393 6,707,540 10,556,986 7,917,716 6,385,632
Alabama 11,876,659 9,727,401 10,120,096 4,984,533 4,995,179
Texas 2,963,963 4,674,655 5,810,760 5,891,093 4,433,437
Florida 2,061,041 2,808,099 3,855,464 3,775,091 3,772,046
Massachusetts 2,563,640 2,228,997 2,766,878 3,509,604 3,645,794
New York 3,691,573 3,707,109 2,990,298 3,340,220 3,489,780
Missouri 3,469,717 3,621,382 3,704,994 4,376,031 3,372,858
Indiana 3,305,417 2,325,606 2,989,198 3,418,244 3,057,262
California 2,769,737 2,777,614 3,510,076 2,993,427 2,466,770
Kentucky 1,033,472 1,433,290 1,869,902 2,577,339 2,037,522
Pennsylvania 1,887,399 3,575,308 1,550,229 1,769,850 2,034,780
New Jersey 3,621,166 2,747,811 2,028,764 1,852,418 1,856,184
Illinois 3,020,387 1,648,882 1,819,790 2,301,969 1,797,644
Connecticut 2,542,428 2,087,482 2,092,531 2,640,619 1,327,189
Rhode Island 402,297 489,968 1,256,953 1,235,820 1,101,303
Wisconsin 648,934 566,160 544,913 945,671 1,032,121
Minnesota 1,502,579 1,653,191 1,435,367 935,081 604,707
Oregon 320,947 384,134 269,961 405,790 604,410
Delaware 41,103 70,479 23,133 15,081 579,361
Arizona 389,883 520,369 526,269 347,971 547,745
New Hampshire 1,867,664 1,661,264 1,422,378 645,517 379,963
Iowa 109,826 200,769 248,776 217,708 354,143
Colorado 423,805 328,534 476,005 433,374 229,916
Washington 1,307,046 1,104,527 1,076,992 257,828 229,296
Virginia 665,123 600,458 860,743 963,589 200,476
Oklahoma 464,135 258,424 146,416 87,855 162,101
Utah 43,870 60,169 180,710 198,633 162,034
Mississippi 126,519 84,450 65,344 69,180 141,396
Nebraska 178,205 1,051 27,960 148,321 124,734
Maine 896,397 235,986 249,945 585,800 98,309
Arkansas 60,493 112,600 164,005 107,870 55,771
North Dakota 1,269 12,225 4,129 269,265 53,035
Other unspecified U.S. State 37,978 21,526 21,657 35,627 52,953
South Dakota 5,357 26,941 19,209 51,680 22,448
Idaho 84,160 29,046 21,462 29,449 12,882
Montana 1,822 2,287 511 201 11,438
Kansas 484,965 318,193 364,009 10,717 9,417
Alaska 11,116 9,406 -- -- 6,333
District of Columbia 27,597 -- 2,611 5,845 5,102
Louisiana 674,646 408,128 252,036 562 4,908
Nevada 50,107 32,523 39,086 33,191 3,545
New Mexico 290 733 1,165 8,205 1,856
Wyoming -- 954 -- -- 686
West Virginia 18,034 4,788 -- -- 329
Vermont 88,264 3,380 5,309 3,316 47
U.S. Virgin Islands 2,445 -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 161,181,347 149,481,274 141,090,436 146,670,719 138,519,406
Others 126,381,696 118,155,578 141,904,583 146,298,032 145,614,964
Total All Countries 287,563,043 267,636,852 282,995,019 292,968,751 284,134,370

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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