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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian imports
Naics 1113 - fruit and tree nut farming
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
California 1,130,897,575 1,242,923,589 1,316,087,893 1,286,665,538 1,392,729,379
Washington 369,221,344 392,718,088 367,434,878 433,355,047 352,635,462
Florida 71,614,662 82,158,191 82,145,314 89,599,597 88,468,757
Georgia 32,723,037 28,991,990 31,650,091 22,110,724 28,275,796
North Carolina 12,209,203 13,766,534 12,281,820 15,181,827 23,889,466
New Jersey 19,451,515 19,969,160 17,849,610 16,538,013 21,594,096
Oregon 63,941,477 84,613,705 86,376,263 43,592,229 19,425,570
New York 21,449,293 21,311,048 20,444,436 20,640,706 17,660,967
Texas 12,988,373 9,123,302 3,803,247 9,734,609 15,315,008
Arizona 4,062,521 7,911,790 8,022,166 8,635,455 8,266,033
Maine 13,957,799 3,955,784 13,865,691 9,501,688 8,070,262
Hawaii 9,309,325 10,679,447 11,716,681 8,981,134 7,636,925
South Carolina 9,088,568 11,972,871 7,868,081 9,447,056 3,994,964
Michigan 2,045,928 1,512,952 766,350 3,467,398 2,644,949
Wisconsin 1,864,114 1,715,759 696,850 1,763,014 2,420,440
Ohio 182,512 125,119 203,634 357,861 2,158,291
Massachusetts 512,877 349,126 370,937 205,305 1,762,194
Kentucky 323 1,399 14,527 7,582 1,163,817
Idaho 236,037 300,242 367,733 1,136,034 861,997
Pennsylvania 946,418 618,519 211,803 1,146,227 566,679
Delaware 285,799 179,066 148,657 784,829 547,712
Illinois 283,678 411,793 404,065 475,850 412,385
North Dakota 24,557 93,087 144,935 75,143 334,168
Missouri 80,465 124,133 40,002 339,428 288,328
Colorado 381,036 428,349 392,652 499,915 281,738
Minnesota 163,113 484,845 166,022 482,963 226,017
Other unspecified U.S. State 80,723 58,779 85,165 213,916 180,429
Virginia 256,711 124,894 522,582 135,175 157,966
Maryland 30,936 1,104 15,279 91,584 134,401
Indiana 1,086 5,935 4,188 170,612 99,095
Nevada 136,020 44,947 77,297 560,932 95,976
Puerto Rico 92,241 144,056 136,835 126,021 79,170
Utah 19,078 89,206 92,596 91,566 38,382
District of Columbia -- -- 15,748 25,146 24,727
Arkansas 4,275 5,954 156,959 10,750 22,889
New Hampshire 44,877 35,655 12,815 11,170 20,325
South Dakota 118,185 598 4,991 64,159 17,672
New Mexico 7 39,757 257 14,654 10,325
Montana 37,724 811 4,547 4,244 9,484
Nebraska 234,688 4,467 4,145 2,644 4,189
Tennessee 651 98,447 3,431 127,910 2,972
Kansas 8 149 748 1,816 2,669
Vermont 26 3,932 -- -- 1,418
Iowa 4,475 -- 184 -- 241
Rhode Island -- 103 294 12,930 108
Connecticut 3,420 109 121 564 59
Louisiana 3,180 -- 6,154 -- 33
Alabama -- 22,056 22 113,602 21
Alaska -- -- -- -- 2
West Virginia 54,584 38,336 -- 43,205 --
Oklahoma -- -- 33 33 --
Wyoming -- -- -- 27 --
Mississippi -- -- 138 4 --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 1,779,044,444 1,937,159,183 1,984,618,867 1,986,547,836 2,002,533,953
Others 4,116,012,369 4,207,752,910 4,573,759,314 5,371,362,536 5,417,978,284
Total All Countries 5,895,056,813 6,144,912,093 6,558,378,181 7,357,910,372 7,420,512,237

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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