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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian imports
Naics 31141 - frozen food manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Puerto Rico 52,941 701 93,688,267 177,454,095 220,022,236
California 95,852,181 109,183,967 101,164,242 117,756,287 122,494,233
Washington 83,613,729 77,372,809 77,980,034 104,642,529 119,347,582
Wisconsin 79,424,480 94,921,148 83,019,112 96,863,026 71,083,536
Michigan 28,223,747 33,336,897 36,091,253 37,722,838 51,150,205
Maine 25,874,284 25,643,789 24,607,677 40,829,900 48,212,082
Oregon 41,056,382 38,453,154 37,307,877 38,899,067 41,032,735
Florida 20,426,546 12,569,984 21,429,826 30,320,947 34,598,509
Minnesota 21,932,935 23,863,799 20,549,949 28,053,417 32,591,393
New Jersey 35,155,754 36,576,943 28,793,702 29,874,316 28,080,316
Illinois 78,460,407 46,637,248 27,498,241 28,851,109 27,589,006
New York 23,183,923 14,451,665 17,824,163 18,684,260 27,575,290
Georgia 12,399,850 8,946,545 8,520,534 11,811,392 27,471,474
Idaho 36,489,653 23,231,137 21,633,820 23,132,523 26,346,904
Pennsylvania 17,006,310 17,015,413 14,157,086 14,024,870 22,667,053
Ohio 9,175,006 9,534,527 12,371,120 25,443,125 20,950,502
Missouri 181,694,740 179,029,997 51,928,604 14,248,244 16,123,932
Kansas 5,737,919 5,723,088 5,427,093 10,569,492 14,268,097
Arkansas 17,193,642 19,359,848 11,397,082 10,912,694 10,593,482
Iowa 4,277,847 5,369,588 5,897,459 7,432,813 6,744,846
Massachusetts 6,285,569 2,865,786 4,830,476 4,444,060 5,430,727
Kentucky 4,159,273 7,043,837 5,628,814 6,786,953 4,216,138
South Carolina 11,067,367 8,286,833 4,934,201 7,416,526 2,978,648
Texas 5,216,119 1,768,148 1,494,840 2,995,840 2,095,842
Arizona 796,539 965,714 822,177 378,163 1,876,959
Virginia 174,591 236,979 364,618 1,047,951 1,595,502
Tennessee 693,249 233,176 600,925 924,140 1,363,201
Utah 1,023,991 2,355,114 4,049,842 6,582,883 1,318,376
Maryland 2,376,172 1,812,304 1,370,228 2,209,371 1,105,025
Indiana 941,430 567,978 515,056 762,644 1,031,544
North Dakota 2,785,351 2,028,709 573,051 631,857 916,862
Oklahoma 29,109 142,460 91,476 196 696,229
North Carolina 2,277,536 1,356,212 2,966,797 1,973,242 607,770
Nebraska 598,398 124,775 384,575 1,687,527 528,856
Alabama -- 775 846 1,327 346,736
New Hampshire 32,985 103,929 145,313 161,298 252,751
Mississippi 1,327,283 920,042 700,809 331,646 199,192
Delaware 228,401 132,491 201,154 143,670 182,385
Colorado 157,897 117,133 27,107 186,444 177,085
New Mexico 12,505 6,401 269 24,245 131,632
South Dakota 285,735 666,114 434,936 260,819 96,012
Montana 13,381 3,549 1,832 1,197 76,514
Louisiana 16,958,298 12,382,458 9,790,104 4,578,405 59,118
Vermont 298,036 109,894 76,806 235,325 52,653
Nevada 2,084,552 857,946 30,045 9,005 30,573
Connecticut 10,737 6,407 5,417 3,290 14,924
Rhode Island 65 5,001 5,285 4,459 6,858
Hawaii 22,593 3,483 22,762 1,639 1,155
District of Columbia -- 27 76 534 227
West Virginia 263 -- -- -- 133
Wyoming -- -- 38 -- --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Alaska -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 877,089,701 826,325,922 741,357,016 911,311,600 996,333,040
Others 636,899,580 724,412,635 761,742,833 880,136,738 898,744,973
Total All Countries 1,513,989,281 1,550,738,557 1,503,099,849 1,791,448,338 1,895,078,013

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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