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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian total exports
Naics 32592 - explosives manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Colorado 36,555,938 46,711,646 66,844,130 96,645,085 63,087,314
Arkansas 5,152,975 15,132,220 36,717,300 17,686,284 53,218,710
Virginia 4,114,606 23,604,330 17,318,213 6,666,380 28,038,063
Iowa 2,030,711 48,367 -- 5,275,582 22,863,941
Illinois 16,375,561 13,946,891 14,489,376 21,807,673 19,833,782
Texas 10,429,077 6,212,556 9,037,455 8,625,899 10,502,776
Arizona 5,894,269 9,469,164 5,858,280 778,801 8,559,836
Kansas 5,070,314 11,121,386 12,863,945 14,016,014 8,471,504
Nevada 5,216,012 4,106,411 1,715,740 -- 6,724,686
California 2,843,448 2,154,746 1,810,846 206,440 4,701,617
New York 952,612 1,096,393 1,996,578 1,341,818 4,255,469
Ohio 388,192 -- 213,028 840,049 3,595,235
Alaska 2,537,676 2,060,988 1,087,588 2,064,940 2,270,452
Georgia 150,286 235,535 505,813 299,209 1,978,785
Tennessee 2,328,134 1,181,390 496,817 -- 1,586,737
Indiana 951,631 198,667 -- -- 1,586,259
Maryland 104,527 3,058 -- 3,153 1,558,951
North Carolina 252,495 757,977 57,885 120,012 1,413,637
Massachusetts 497,421 555,667 141,415 54,898 1,169,988
Vermont -- -- -- 898,558 986,661
Utah 1,151,844 1,315,826 879,518 27,334 937,884
Wyoming 485,208 561,033 576,970 25,345 732,271
Washington -- 678,209 50,761 127,071 710,511
Alabama 293,942 696,307 703,010 612,134 569,678
Oklahoma 2,210,656 1,485,288 -- 511,855 442,076
Missouri 182,168 674,709 32,547,881 4,942,764 435,875
Florida 1,975,913 1,848,082 903,329 63,412 365,835
Kentucky 512,439 1,223,151 585,789 733,082 276,280
Oregon 71,651 187,140 221,533 145,768 254,234
West Virginia 320,235 341,494 595,311 1,318,831 254,209
Louisiana 738,422 166,447 -- 8,441,410 140,460
Montana 1,114,970 1,258,163 -- 34,462 63,292
Maine 102,890 29,730 -- -- 62,981
Connecticut 1,655,696 6,371 59,473 707,189 55,226
Minnesota -- 89,841 -- -- 21,420
Wisconsin -- -- -- 13,490 16,367
New Hampshire 2,658,474 524,079 69,814 151,189 13,793
South Carolina -- -- -- -- 12,132
Michigan -- 45,945 -- -- 11,094
Pennsylvania 2,027,292 1,249,824 606,233 579,725 --
North Dakota 29,755 9,244 9,912 45,545 --
New Jersey 394,430 76,308 -- 19,271 --
Mississippi -- -- 90,668 -- --
Idaho 8,364 115,818 74,723 -- --
South Dakota -- -- 7,631 -- --
Delaware -- -- 3,820 -- --
New Mexico 29,987 -- -- -- --
Nebraska -- -- -- -- --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Rhode Island -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 117,810,221 151,180,401 209,140,785 195,830,672 251,780,021
Others 135,164,469 97,441,566 121,212,340 151,951,978 177,757,505
Total All Countries 252,974,690 248,621,967 330,353,125 347,782,650 429,537,526

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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