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Report date: 2024-09-21


Canadian total exports
Naics 33994 - office supplies (except paper) manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
New York 12,587,345 24,832,096 26,732,529 19,309,133 17,694,799
Illinois 1,603,380 637,324 1,435,500 1,154,039 1,518,567
Michigan 655,120 122,469 423,468 497,883 1,414,525
Wisconsin 2,098,921 873,116 1,361,957 1,253,081 1,250,541
Pennsylvania 2,632,492 1,380,928 1,663,596 1,159,022 1,158,363
Florida 1,816,331 602,200 503,374 489,367 1,037,618
Ohio 1,573,806 528,517 646,413 919,400 997,782
California 3,196,658 1,377,915 1,297,968 972,024 862,049
Texas 1,667,956 1,023,428 986,410 2,087,124 849,715
Indiana 732,959 373,735 432,129 340,449 777,401
North Carolina 821,197 414,780 177,366 325,929 493,320
Georgia 977,565 301,340 406,375 609,010 466,972
New Jersey 1,453,968 225,857 401,706 451,407 460,062
Maryland 639,729 129,403 25,710 179,988 438,463
Nevada 696,687 344,533 193,465 247,517 432,503
Iowa 433,858 287,586 319,352 341,011 379,891
Tennessee 670,510 719,529 782,810 646,144 356,115
Washington 1,188,964 112,188 198,431 330,410 355,423
South Carolina 35,197 110,731 39,892 194,225 328,454
Massachusetts 240,810 163,474 297,758 189,366 216,976
New Hampshire 169,257 45,009 105,912 154,595 208,612
Utah 42,454 117,580 7,396 156,805 178,932
Arkansas 61,613 123,144 75,449 105,046 175,826
Virginia 256,523 107,505 144,894 28,546 164,546
Kansas 171,196 185,949 172,435 120,283 144,414
Minnesota 391,236 105,300 250,876 117,982 108,906
Colorado 553,565 99,546 14,420 211,763 105,192
Missouri 240,443 135,867 58,662 43,498 79,327
Alabama 218,197 95,532 40,924 68,714 77,201
Connecticut 242,892 45,921 9,364 11,161 75,003
Mississippi 62,229 96,924 36,312 95,327 71,827
Kentucky 34,088 73,484 42,527 44,980 65,158
Oregon 414,685 107,373 60,059 67,232 64,246
Arizona 351,799 190,712 146,990 555,214 63,142
Oklahoma 321,140 135,751 57,291 345,973 49,934
New Mexico 7,264 -- 15,914 22,177 25,515
Louisiana 90,398 99,310 5,625 37,568 25,259
Delaware -- 79,912 29,682 -- 23,035
Nebraska 43,078 7,096 15,993 29,906 17,151
Maine 105,412 10,273 3,435 6,024 16,058
North Dakota -- -- 6,155 3,192 13,008
District of Columbia 7,580 5,962 94,016 19,134 11,042
Other unspecified U.S. State 2,881 9,444 -- -- 5,971
Montana 33,949 -- -- 581 5,808
Idaho 116,326 138,098 75,238 78,225 4,685
Alaska -- -- -- 8,150 2,953
Hawaii 5,596 3,836 16,414 -- 2,855
Vermont 168,288 259,462 14,581 56,929 --
Rhode Island 133,030 71,828 120,079 49,297 --
Wyoming 22,248 -- -- 4,932 --
Puerto Rico 5,828 11,390 5,239 -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
West Virginia -- -- -- -- --
South Dakota -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 39,996,648 36,923,357 39,952,091 34,139,763 33,275,145
Others 5,762,136 7,231,173 7,537,035 9,160,835 7,537,038
Total All Countries 45,758,784 44,154,530 47,489,126 43,300,598 40,812,183

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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