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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian imports
Naics 11321 - forest nurseries and gathering of forest products
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
California 728,199 1,236,396 1,275,281 1,114,206 1,587,036
New Jersey 863,777 909,627 608,007 939,357 1,484,290
New York 1,804,836 1,108,621 1,543,698 1,186,852 1,420,064
Maryland 768,584 1,009,288 1,239,167 1,825,322 1,408,181
Connecticut 797,039 759,225 1,236,776 1,119,015 1,348,385
Iowa 254,467 715,698 1,273,641 1,617,858 1,275,706
Kentucky 4,908 37,255 208,869 711,848 1,246,191
Minnesota 288,495 849,822 1,337,622 841,486 1,063,241
Pennsylvania 554,247 986,283 1,068,676 607,957 1,048,623
Illinois 97,426 167,356 426,459 759,711 790,505
Wisconsin 1,189,491 155,148 216,511 183,281 787,819
North Carolina 45,799 371,504 1,286,813 831,266 693,867
Washington 329,695 633,918 434,997 480,026 591,854
Oregon 173,944 157,761 166,336 376,873 523,569
Texas 190,284 99,789 78,222 295,431 343,835
South Carolina 30,027 76,845 28,586 134,963 245,935
Florida 208,738 237,130 183,504 148,662 139,549
Montana 51,167 36,438 81,279 104,224 107,138
Arizona 17,721 95,483 61,206 56,616 58,009
Ohio 227,023 438,970 321,265 103,586 50,798
Indiana 42,015 65,254 24,427 9,206 39,584
Other unspecified U.S. State 18,679 15,868 16,575 23,370 38,347
Michigan 47,761 24,388 58,591 38,054 35,069
Alabama 29,842 39,909 27,857 17,680 29,807
Colorado 3,209 12,028 12,476 36,426 17,524
Georgia 12,060 7,163 21,269 7,734 16,048
Virginia 3,596 26,241 20,487 319 13,213
Missouri 16,500 39,079 790 66,111 12,023
Massachusetts 16,314 46,530 135,686 132,739 10,369
Utah 59,705 37,295 3,659 9,186 8,539
New Mexico 666 1,632 442 180 5,848
Tennessee 22,514 1,405 18,477 5,684 5,302
Idaho 7,289 12,082 8,607 5,589 5,056
Hawaii 3,241 -- 14 2,507 3,821
Louisiana 38 70 11,740 -- 2,466
Maine 2,005 3,138 1,799 404 1,178
Nevada 4,020 2,559 640 7,020 850
Vermont 9,113 22,231 19,173 24,887 563
Kansas 286 1,476 405 7,735 531
Delaware 1,209 226 -- 47 222
North Dakota 88 671 710 -- 182
Oklahoma 3,079 126 54 7,029 170
Nebraska -- -- -- 165 133
Rhode Island 2,242 10,092 4,359 9,313 75
South Dakota 110 70 -- -- 27
Mississippi -- -- 45 998 --
Arkansas 1,615 -- 1,061 603 --
District of Columbia -- -- -- 327 --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- 119 --
New Hampshire 822 3 4,093 -- --
Wyoming 7,405 -- -- -- --
West Virginia -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Alaska -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 8,941,290 10,452,093 13,470,351 13,851,972 16,461,542
Others 32,334,570 22,698,886 26,365,853 35,727,464 31,132,678
Total All Countries 41,275,860 33,150,979 39,836,204 49,579,436 47,594,220

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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