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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian imports
Naics 3323 - architectural and structural metals manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Ohio 119,567,497 124,154,694 130,962,623 158,724,027 178,651,904
Illinois 87,425,177 74,186,618 97,561,294 123,394,809 117,280,061
Missouri 32,934,949 20,370,117 23,875,862 14,965,005 106,166,517
Indiana 42,807,023 46,441,701 70,624,869 48,933,042 102,938,314
Pennsylvania 85,944,838 77,146,026 94,582,066 102,477,392 95,053,870
Michigan 56,306,377 47,707,899 67,793,505 81,539,352 83,370,516
Texas 61,385,911 55,034,133 52,467,630 84,346,284 83,094,162
California 55,535,235 49,750,397 62,048,417 72,603,690 70,976,721
Wisconsin 61,164,332 49,271,739 65,988,294 57,361,795 63,381,138
Washington 39,483,118 39,526,884 49,116,772 52,833,972 55,239,982
New York 34,210,040 23,861,266 45,533,596 35,648,126 49,810,732
Minnesota 35,919,117 33,917,186 39,977,145 24,979,440 36,085,597
Maryland 20,808,480 18,110,189 23,837,113 30,348,535 33,159,360
Georgia 29,243,047 25,989,704 34,721,795 29,214,325 32,183,037
Tennessee 16,305,656 11,087,778 27,510,609 32,745,024 30,477,508
Virginia 28,820,425 28,389,785 33,170,031 31,300,854 26,952,087
Oklahoma 24,496,389 19,518,853 20,295,779 22,879,298 25,400,169
Iowa 27,456,514 20,010,084 30,202,363 29,202,240 25,396,247
Florida 16,236,716 14,917,217 24,027,577 26,348,160 22,996,737
South Dakota 3,853,134 3,890,889 6,074,606 7,548,016 21,763,568
Kansas 19,092,368 21,356,719 20,957,785 22,662,385 21,711,276
North Carolina 13,501,116 11,988,647 15,000,300 17,260,754 20,788,931
New Jersey 22,973,713 15,949,737 16,331,363 22,729,884 19,330,031
South Carolina 18,283,106 17,297,573 16,402,048 21,825,288 17,347,814
Connecticut 10,972,355 7,251,225 13,721,162 12,047,128 15,717,343
Utah 34,788,512 29,576,136 33,575,833 15,908,320 15,326,751
Kentucky 16,183,761 13,328,107 11,904,744 15,048,317 15,200,101
Nebraska 11,368,175 9,998,548 14,896,330 12,729,029 14,574,351
Arkansas 30,044,244 21,223,966 34,492,885 22,095,224 13,228,428
Arizona 13,184,851 10,808,317 15,536,863 14,074,178 12,804,641
Nevada 9,844,789 7,435,387 9,589,798 12,811,357 12,011,345
West Virginia 3,273,388 2,744,179 3,008,771 29,343,834 11,725,119
Massachusetts 6,127,876 7,613,583 10,322,796 8,430,750 10,572,830
Alabama 3,939,718 5,998,746 5,366,732 14,742,026 9,333,290
Oregon 8,024,724 14,422,299 9,149,561 28,284,548 6,965,685
Mississippi 3,531,707 10,956,095 17,658,743 19,173,305 6,595,855
North Dakota 2,500,162 1,641,805 2,800,984 2,457,701 6,425,223
Vermont 619,532 917,380 1,406,915 2,643,244 5,070,910
New Hampshire 2,615,971 2,511,741 3,042,883 2,889,351 4,182,984
Colorado 4,064,240 2,346,925 3,356,663 4,833,143 4,025,795
Louisiana 3,821,599 2,064,550 2,681,378 3,179,850 3,436,610
Maine 1,330,484 1,456,403 1,720,933 2,737,386 2,169,552
Alaska -- 8,399 2,245 324 2,001,829
Delaware 80,664 101,217 562,950 125,603 982,534
New Mexico 619,368 724,623 1,745,505 700,751 950,941
Other unspecified U.S. State 345,873 311,631 345,821 409,781 851,599
Idaho 1,817,225 1,527,337 1,279,667 1,671,323 817,578
Montana 2,315,757 1,696,186 262,008 762,200 609,616
Rhode Island 201,941 130,912 140,148 324,869 539,234
Wyoming 16,748 7,940 244,134 952,924 412,213
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- 629
Puerto Rico 297 247 81 44,381 --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- 16 -- --
Hawaii -- 44,720 -- -- --
Sub-total 1,125,388,239 1,006,724,439 1,267,879,991 1,380,292,544 1,516,089,265
Others 1,069,022,943 1,068,391,657 1,395,840,919 1,666,633,043 1,451,612,819
Total All Countries 2,194,411,182 2,075,116,096 2,663,720,910 3,046,925,587 2,967,702,084

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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