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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian total exports
Naics 11291 - apiculture
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
California 2,010,851 1,922,150 4,041,518 5,798,730 4,400,981
Idaho 1,125,685 1,067,995 2,547,071 5,437,495 2,812,057
Michigan 1,665,076 2,214,201 1,562,597 1,684,543 2,765,521
Washington 930,611 518,590 1,623,037 3,040,842 1,896,948
Iowa 466,160 458,738 904,573 715,284 707,355
Nevada 189,055 142,761 293,771 871,567 546,560
Texas 1,187,299 561,718 384,017 158,218 473,126
Oregon 34,462 23,313 178,154 420,365 393,636
Indiana 503,330 109,604 197,612 270,135 353,831
Georgia 155,326 4,185 169,657 200,553 243,729
Illinois 295,314 293,243 158,972 193,257 242,178
Missouri 452,293 142,253 175,722 234,214 226,677
Colorado 243,886 183,334 171,174 367,831 220,577
Minnesota 74,332 88,405 83,452 306,651 185,222
Maryland 132,634 133,436 95,144 172,240 149,229
Utah 105,048 79,318 172,394 242,159 143,144
Pennsylvania 917,548 182,827 321,765 1,341,131 139,489
Vermont 64,790 40,756 61,497 74,099 135,122
New York 102,340 191,596 164,524 152,765 122,525
Kansas 33,077 50,045 848 1,651,451 120,475
Florida 1,608 1,058 523,571 317,585 98,544
New Jersey 80,758 128,383 27,106 120,773 80,852
Montana 80,051 99,950 317,883 445,153 66,765
Tennessee 10,982 47,151 23,681 -- 62,501
Massachusetts 41,405 50,803 22,630 10,383 54,532
Wisconsin 79,657 -- 29,607 -- 52,540
Virginia -- 2,582 -- -- 47,447
Ohio 177,975 177,562 1,031 67,401 39,674
Maine -- 1,247 7,013 33,410 34,912
Nebraska -- 19,160 -- -- 31,260
North Dakota 6,501 142,075 8,283 20,741 30,262
New Mexico -- -- -- -- 19,031
Alaska -- -- 2,040 8,081 10,135
Louisiana -- 9,498 5,029 -- 6,836
Arizona 75,907 65,325 173,594 6,641 6,605
North Carolina 495,123 276,978 333,578 524,271 4,684
South Dakota -- -- -- -- 2,290
Wyoming 58,016 -- 142,120 257,676 --
Arkansas -- -- -- 44,947 --
New Hampshire 58,745 4,661 31,143 1,126 --
Connecticut 29,531 -- -- -- --
Delaware -- -- -- -- --
Rhode Island -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Alabama -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Kentucky -- -- -- -- --
Mississippi -- -- -- -- --
Oklahoma -- -- -- -- --
South Carolina -- -- -- -- --
West Virginia -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 11,885,376 9,434,901 14,955,808 25,191,718 16,927,252
Others 4,183,225 5,638,926 5,638,838 7,269,478 4,881,374
Total All Countries 16,068,601 15,073,827 20,594,646 32,461,196 21,808,626

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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