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Report date: 2024-09-18


Canadian imports
Naics 32412 - asphalt paving, roofing and saturated materials manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Ohio 103,467,408 74,148,803 84,756,373 87,758,781 79,107,386
Indiana 66,556,196 54,134,833 79,942,543 95,637,618 73,132,754
Oregon 45,186,598 45,073,604 64,908,285 74,662,685 65,628,412
Pennsylvania 37,364,709 34,756,702 47,799,141 55,033,123 55,379,217
Washington 17,875,914 16,806,193 10,755,947 12,369,945 25,683,910
Minnesota 39,168,575 34,719,586 24,661,808 29,879,273 22,906,529
Arkansas 6,951,707 10,080,650 9,826,812 16,227,899 17,139,490
Illinois 8,724,592 12,560,296 17,295,226 15,987,399 12,770,464
Colorado 7,782,052 5,152,551 6,458,082 9,234,719 8,910,199
Texas 5,273,530 4,441,962 3,202,479 2,866,671 8,193,370
California 5,492,113 5,108,318 7,629,470 9,612,698 7,647,379
Massachusetts 11,536,291 10,255,099 7,448,405 5,585,587 6,995,301
Florida 3,383,541 4,200,270 8,027,842 12,131,991 6,694,111
New York 5,919,739 7,778,718 7,744,544 7,519,044 5,223,834
New Jersey 6,396,883 5,673,733 5,117,134 5,202,427 4,530,355
South Carolina 52,228 36,340 26,699 13,194 3,787,062
Georgia 1,118,794 2,871,084 3,775,208 3,607,073 3,057,751
Arizona 3,600,045 2,923,323 3,244,601 3,379,252 3,020,410
Michigan 9,876,637 2,748,370 1,868,110 2,389,137 2,150,078
Oklahoma 1,799,847 1,054,522 1,854,694 1,942,847 1,046,691
Alabama 1,529,175 895,086 1,542,517 1,620,121 964,161
Nevada 658,082 1,132,766 1,748,890 2,381,258 923,849
Missouri 901,006 1,052,864 1,117,741 1,463,326 912,747
Utah 421,166 712,273 1,473,431 1,605,308 828,163
Wisconsin 262,914 133,804 319,620 587,725 670,260
North Carolina 266,905 173,259 843,741 444,794 597,803
New Hampshire 1,318,602 699,467 852,745 860,111 556,964
Tennessee 477,643 722,606 971,734 514,236 438,376
Kentucky 299,396 289,132 368,231 442,928 330,951
Maryland 161,522 173,257 160,565 234,153 231,906
Montana 199,958 147,640 148,368 96,767 208,273
Mississippi 4,792 18,653 120,326 86,648 181,463
Wyoming 35,756 84,082 54,244 269,680 176,582
Virginia 1,796,603 518,269 48,697 127,397 162,324
Maine -- 3,040 5,074 16,506 42,221
West Virginia 53 -- 30,978 73,730 36,315
Connecticut 849 -- 18,831 312,530 26,137
Iowa 13 3,038 3,665 10,467 23,189
Rhode Island 17,419 2,111 7,607 37,639 18,166
Kansas 1,420 6,198 3,278 66,783 15,926
Other unspecified U.S. State 101 291 345 1,416 142
South Dakota 44 41 6,695 -- 98
Louisiana 13,003 28 13 8 26
New Mexico 7,186 -- -- 16,812 --
Delaware 4 6 29,141 1,549 --
North Dakota 3,862 11,100 1,028 -- --
Nebraska 4,618 525 -- -- --
Vermont -- 5 -- -- --
Idaho 2,169 -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Alaska -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 395,911,660 341,304,498 406,220,908 462,313,255 420,350,745
Others 16,555,204 28,028,586 27,993,733 28,183,983 30,364,793
Total All Countries 412,466,864 369,333,084 434,214,641 490,497,238 450,715,538

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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