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Report date: 2024-09-21


Canadian imports
Naics 31491 - textile bag and canvas mills
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Wisconsin 2,740,904 2,776,806 4,403,971 5,375,396 8,079,519
California 4,502,492 4,777,403 4,536,987 6,946,939 7,653,025
Pennsylvania 4,357,573 4,420,368 5,348,169 8,465,492 7,597,842
Texas 2,604,850 4,497,871 5,516,742 6,355,315 7,454,044
New Jersey 5,587,289 4,126,055 4,168,212 5,806,576 5,703,092
New York 4,351,624 3,444,253 2,568,914 6,919,318 5,313,307
Indiana 3,547,532 3,102,691 3,687,990 5,379,656 4,821,752
Washington 4,785,248 3,723,631 5,759,917 6,108,320 4,482,080
Other unspecified U.S. State 2,260,225 2,310,936 2,785,085 2,720,418 4,225,026
Florida 1,132,296 1,094,178 1,383,947 3,206,115 3,267,937
Louisiana 995,536 1,314,398 1,847,505 2,337,045 2,788,511
Colorado 1,329,766 1,476,195 1,902,194 2,332,303 2,416,432
Ohio 2,721,314 2,193,939 1,586,233 1,992,918 2,370,862
Minnesota 2,073,947 1,524,850 2,170,106 2,764,903 2,004,274
Nevada 347,589 1,008,957 2,021,893 3,091,298 1,885,171
Kentucky 627,536 1,079,058 1,723,981 1,286,024 1,716,632
Illinois 2,479,637 1,568,232 1,597,027 2,396,556 1,677,588
North Carolina 376,931 932,203 640,106 1,783,054 1,674,639
Michigan 764,108 688,042 863,648 1,802,175 1,663,148
Georgia 1,315,980 1,074,505 842,816 1,539,417 1,629,942
Arizona 320,695 3,818,614 1,256,852 1,307,892 1,527,200
Massachusetts 1,210,350 1,016,426 1,380,409 1,229,865 1,287,275
South Carolina 541,079 213,842 206,139 571,374 1,001,862
Utah 164,520 91,020 217,002 752,113 934,126
Oregon 225,821 219,938 315,709 949,943 813,813
Montana 1,478,691 433,378 1,073,064 1,180,397 728,128
New Hampshire 474,118 368,764 380,247 422,383 709,653
Alabama 86,611 315,540 150,601 235,871 688,277
Missouri 520,725 816,900 260,330 552,146 604,050
Kansas 269,475 310,633 371,366 478,026 502,442
Maryland 40,075 103,491 92,809 71,723 487,946
Tennessee 514,451 479,208 347,973 547,918 396,577
Virginia 246,563 292,867 383,146 312,624 389,794
Maine 853,880 686,352 966,568 532,639 349,323
Iowa 778,808 264,192 340,892 453,552 341,705
Alaska 318,356 513,693 560,974 563,818 270,666
Connecticut 168,802 129,735 101,130 427,870 266,996
Nebraska 37,242 26,758 7,635 174,043 247,016
Oklahoma 244,346 98,603 145,704 236,164 197,849
Idaho 93,696 214,146 66,779 255,911 186,326
South Dakota 217,604 172,831 136,329 123,043 165,826
Arkansas 14,490 37,310 4,102 132,123 133,364
North Dakota 81,499 115,513 96,182 54,926 115,787
Vermont 243,123 218,552 227,126 214,485 98,630
Mississippi 60,382 7,783 14,437 270,037 85,648
Rhode Island 14,424 10,981 44,018 21,457 41,596
West Virginia 32,444 19,602 7,631 37,579 26,837
Wyoming 33,056 50,130 8,637 102,577 22,509
New Mexico 1,215 730,123 1,637 117,657 15,499
U.S. Virgin Islands 499 1,560 1,603 2,490 14,361
Delaware 11,259 36,706 49,244 40,096 7,072
Puerto Rico 694 130 -- 20,582 1,670
District of Columbia 237 147 -- 5,521 92
Hawaii 20 1 2,765 7,490 90
Sub-total 58,201,627 58,950,040 64,574,483 91,015,573 91,084,828
Others 633,335,322 516,497,239 630,458,863 1,201,957,309 1,126,818,342
Total All Countries 691,536,949 575,447,279 695,033,346 1,292,972,882 1,217,903,170

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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