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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian total exports
Naics 2121 - coal mining
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Indiana 105,999,823 36,757,117 101,485,026 215,289,923 163,769,006
Michigan 82,164,388 24,683,749 79,811,433 116,120,129 95,213,546
North Dakota 5,586,415 8,288,445 5,953,119 6,259,251 6,365,132
Kentucky 3,405,002 4,159,707 4,065,156 2,775,932 2,649,736
Florida 568,360 698,099 520,143 380,687 828,549
Missouri 3,125 60,333 8,362 329,999 603,567
Arizona 155,075 -- 36,259 166,970 508,526
Oregon 638,591 1,460,090 1,734,542 207,801 481,160
Montana 563,759 499,690 375,500 326,579 438,932
California 1,603,578 2,546,446 3,899,022 1,249,071 434,298
Iowa 390,018 492,024 683,136 572,134 264,846
Nebraska 62,710 64,396 100,350 116,678 237,553
Washington 230,699 146,532 313,771 201,201 237,480
Pennsylvania 1,298,339 402,062 574,018 437,307 225,315
Minnesota 39,734 39,743 64,965 77,306 213,627
Illinois 135,059 159,690 349,844 381,895 213,225
Wisconsin 278,497 186,583 186,402 238,894 190,985
Texas 128,600 18,494 7,286,865 7,358,666 152,905
Oklahoma -- -- 17,135 51,790 150,150
Kansas 7,458 9,981 22,092 52,304 125,874
Ohio 82,091 53,192 72,062 109,981 125,541
South Dakota 10,083 -- 51,715 209,238 120,426
South Carolina 54,429 52,637 65,930 47,149 94,639
Mississippi 45,186 -- 23,010 5,858 93,483
Louisiana 7,853 19,577 87,331 -- 55,818
North Carolina 7,092 -- 5,518 4,021 47,188
Idaho 227,804 255,841 67,880 17,988 38,016
New York 34,430 15,607 22,254 32,723 16,985
Georgia 19,806 12,754 8,972 8,283 7,761
New Hampshire 13,598 9,264 17,701 8,688 7,698
Tennessee 14,882 9,926 -- 16,398 --
Vermont -- 8,683 9,020 9,790 --
Maryland 32,173 17,098 19,246 7,039 --
Virginia -- 4,201 6,927 3,623 --
West Virginia 26,190 -- -- 2,731 --
Puerto Rico -- 10,265 21,689 -- --
Wyoming -- -- 14,732 -- --
Colorado -- -- 11,309 -- --
Arkansas 270,949 66,103 -- -- --
Nevada 10,133 27,906 -- -- --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- 6,222 -- -- --
Utah -- 4,835 -- -- --
Rhode Island 3,265 -- -- -- --
Massachusetts -- -- -- -- --
Maine -- -- -- -- --
Delaware -- -- -- -- --
Connecticut -- -- -- -- --
New Jersey -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
Alaska -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
New Mexico -- -- -- -- --
Alabama -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 204,119,194 81,247,292 207,992,436 353,078,027 273,911,967
Others 6,888,069,954 4,494,066,615 7,444,412,531 13,690,596,164 11,887,091,572
Total All Countries 7,092,189,148 4,575,313,907 7,652,404,967 14,043,674,191 12,161,003,539

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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