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Report date: 2024-09-22


Canadian imports
Naics 2121 - coal mining
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Pennsylvania 276,711,565 206,147,279 193,457,545 211,503,384 396,971,134
West Virginia 287,358,970 237,296,737 200,193,545 289,655,498 328,267,979
Missouri 94,039,795 70,811,247 52,787,675 208,893,131 215,703,574
Tennessee -- 850,713 -- 40,156 112,117,441
Kentucky 61,264,940 43,152,840 38,125,534 100,099,538 77,875,146
New York 546,513 282,367 2,824 23,088,480 41,371,252
Ohio 22,702,285 11,525,444 13,164,404 22,065,348 32,733,933
Illinois 112,687 43,052 176,021 4,667,312 24,362,247
North Carolina 5,244,192 7,395,221 4,591,001 20,036,348 8,842,552
Florida 2,990,075 2,448,202 3,634,690 5,349,695 7,065,319
Indiana 2,845,570 2,749,809 2,611,815 4,221,247 5,311,760
Virginia 3,130,791 11,807,726 15,123,430 26,555,594 3,096,109
Wisconsin 765,301 522,554 890,263 644,987 2,131,761
North Dakota 123,695 294,599 239,901 421,340 602,721
Michigan 3,501,920 149,189 51,579 793,567 462,400
Washington 301,374 377,313 555,627 442,267 369,609
Utah 5,020,247 16,498,537 19,154,712 13,712,357 328,256
Wyoming 36,904 4,464 2,519 21,796 118,621
Oregon 13,561 22,896 67,209 86,947 111,143
New Mexico 169,657 109,989 524,857 18,794 62,414
Texas 23,414 36,341 1,839 11,456 41,941
Georgia 7,479 37,546 42,615 12,215 30,552
Minnesota 5,588,245 5,524,140 1,980,335 30,949 23,648
Other unspecified U.S. State 1,845 6,144 4,622 3,165 13,596
Montana 32,073 68,923 292,426 330,898 12,574
Maine 12,907 5,976 5,905 3,214 10,821
Colorado 2,308 2,154 4,137 3,526 7,237
Iowa 16,273 3,523 12,065 2,297 7,065
Alabama -- -- 39 205 6,533
Maryland 885 1,405 8,506 6 2,064
Massachusetts 2,341 -- 7,297 -- 1,110
California 7,417 5,312 5,572 17,486 661
Alaska -- -- -- -- 100
Nevada -- 425 -- -- 40
Louisiana -- -- -- -- 2
Nebraska 11,269 -- -- -- 1
New Jersey 19,725 -- 10,769 2,148 --
New Hampshire -- -- -- 286 --
Kansas -- 9,716 342 -- --
Arizona -- 387,661 -- -- --
Mississippi 4,211 8,313 -- -- --
Oklahoma 1,169 2,970 -- -- --
Delaware 673 1,265 -- -- --
Arkansas 13,589 -- -- -- --
Connecticut -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
South Carolina -- -- -- -- --
Vermont -- -- -- -- --
Idaho -- -- -- -- --
South Dakota -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Rhode Island -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 772,625,865 618,591,992 547,731,620 932,735,637 1,258,063,316
Others 212,641,122 142,939,131 217,070,031 377,466,578 220,737,454
Total All Countries 985,266,987 761,531,123 764,801,651 1,310,202,215 1,478,800,770

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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