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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian total exports
Naics 33991 - jewellery and silverware manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
New York 456,053,717 1,189,736,217 1,451,431,403 1,715,113,626 1,354,665,222
Texas 195,589,703 498,589,346 493,191,321 518,475,678 827,539,775
Massachusetts 510,486,784 730,290,221 1,731,874,042 1,569,108,059 549,421,478
California 184,541,691 438,577,072 582,661,138 275,406,338 426,878,215
Nevada 167,821,868 194,018,042 333,658,545 391,416,465 286,738,265
Illinois 16,201,620 11,955,921 16,861,088 27,670,498 280,498,480
Oklahoma 11,367,901 2,254,581 2,000,713 5,870,313 102,671,568
Rhode Island 1,420,997 3,434,067 9,380,213 4,664,319 88,167,983
Minnesota 24,946,686 39,714,687 179,844,971 205,693,518 87,085,234
Washington 56,501,196 35,983,241 47,544,651 85,325,698 61,845,242
Vermont 17,725,412 16,787,375 10,537,675 44,318,891 48,596,570
Florida 21,952,614 16,147,232 13,390,737 32,900,530 43,342,578
Utah 1,030,305 962,081 970,863 976,019 41,984,640
Idaho 16,058,583 192,572,990 130,858,546 1,370,701 31,637,344
Michigan 2,525,787 1,502,336 2,272,455 3,556,531 22,057,518
New Jersey 12,082,774 11,995,539 21,453,447 9,897,734 12,030,118
Colorado 2,326,492 2,047,051 4,073,443 6,269,469 9,109,790
Missouri 2,035,283 992,898 1,943,630 1,357,259 8,793,543
Pennsylvania 2,944,322 4,003,879 61,556,634 4,067,312 7,151,589
Oregon 1,244,033 1,576,798 1,365,540 4,261,381 5,919,155
Arizona 4,468,942 4,063,972 3,046,468 4,155,679 3,877,732
North Carolina 1,903,977 2,070,295 5,922,056 4,105,277 3,526,286
Georgia 6,663,607 3,458,826 1,366,999 2,542,083 3,522,591
Delaware 8,485,262 37,174,456 137,598,518 95,905,687 3,511,825
Maryland 27,053,659 8,736,521 11,290,004 2,584,010 3,364,629
Louisiana 5,068,695 3,756,870 3,843,255 3,527,006 3,160,272
Tennessee 6,921,674 1,301,906 5,799,434 5,614,968 3,106,284
Wisconsin 1,475,071 1,823,866 1,449,500 1,630,798 2,362,662
Indiana 654,622 792,952 1,338,475 1,627,365 1,845,489
Virginia 1,493,934 1,398,234 1,198,817 2,244,628 1,400,981
South Carolina 1,315,333 1,677,636 1,642,860 1,361,846 1,338,012
Ohio 3,521,106 2,473,378 2,138,966 1,610,313 1,281,169
Kentucky 16,915,095 3,529,412 807,024 1,043,027 1,274,228
Iowa 950,496 758,372 1,263,407 947,529 997,462
Connecticut 8,070,708 2,505,732 922,974 923,459 991,034
Wyoming 73,779 324,575 342,363 633,769 935,260
Arkansas 94,216 76,674 155,358 79,287 882,786
Montana 143,312 241,697 354,047 278,639 821,602
Hawaii 1,598,672 633,286 1,016,241 1,128,416 787,036
Nebraska 322,629 663,054 277,419 263,288 415,613
Maine 204,832 122,460 181,067 316,461 402,808
New Hampshire 365,059 454,156 303,516 436,934 370,492
South Dakota 532,471 698,181 1,520,338 895,113 367,206
Alaska 1,093,815 520,325 154,577 542,581 318,576
New Mexico 144,106 124,122 382,580 209,028 299,572
Puerto Rico 618,879 244,348 316,202 388,265 297,095
Alabama 488,206 937,010 692,658 742,138 286,797
Kansas 202,899 120,624 272,988 238,767 203,952
North Dakota 191,589 93,750 974,313 52,364 185,483
District of Columbia 3,745,168 216,791 135,134 343,531 177,217
West Virginia 465,155 179,898 233,007 185,380 170,813
Mississippi 247,855 157,125 195,540 202,938 92,103
U.S. Virgin Islands 3,428 -- 4,206 -- 17,593
Other unspecified U.S. State 3,126 -- -- -- --
Sub-total 1,810,359,145 3,474,472,078 5,284,011,366 5,044,480,913 4,338,726,967
Others 1,097,706,047 1,321,352,312 1,730,658,667 1,761,954,062 1,116,463,117
Total All Countries 2,908,065,192 4,795,824,390 7,014,670,033 6,806,434,975 5,455,190,084

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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