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Report date: 2024-09-23


Canadian total exports
Naics 3161 - leather and hide tanning and finishing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
New York 4,603,393 3,028,701 580,821 8,061,535 10,352,614
Texas 11,607,019 9,788,440 8,883,561 13,381,764 8,969,802
Michigan 62,089 30,452 18,417 31,859 678,982
Alaska 299,043 330,988 704,927 627,433 502,444
Illinois 321,907 294,490 234,328 344,878 345,019
New Jersey 257,781 21,672 262,111 250,267 262,504
Pennsylvania 138,223 128,303 206,532 107,907 203,034
North Carolina 167,892 125,227 233,637 130,887 167,620
Ohio 28,856 96,349 22,966 61,367 146,060
California 302,773 210,801 384,692 264,277 138,691
Wisconsin 30,858 5,030 18,187 47,624 134,451
Alabama 63,124 128,658 164,299 188,887 123,415
Maine 137,472 37,228 185,040 24,426 107,372
Montana 3,707 41,289 43,399 95,563 53,414
Colorado 5,762 8,780 23,952 6,228 51,860
Virginia 2,497 1,135 22,493 10,947 50,120
Indiana 20,015 25,508 25,013 46,463 46,148
South Dakota 53,974 106,035 72,302 86,381 35,613
Georgia 22,828 24,164 27,455 28,436 35,595
Connecticut 11,545 4,005 3,846 2,345 33,647
Iowa 16,814 2,900 17,602 26,209 29,683
Mississippi 15,519 2,483 -- -- 28,449
Massachusetts 5,433 -- 12,649 47,900 25,432
Florida 72,568 72,352 43,235 56,042 25,424
Nebraska 13,626 2,623 -- -- 22,818
Minnesota 50,881 36,014 125,351 20,923 20,668
Tennessee 10,514 1,712 42,650 15,239 19,706
Washington 71,508 73,757 69,137 17,561 15,893
Utah 19,063 4,657 4,050 15,109 12,543
South Carolina 4,383 -- 4,278 26,356 11,637
North Dakota 9,094 5,083 -- 37,231 9,895
Idaho -- 18,380 898 7,501 9,840
New Hampshire -- -- -- 403 9,060
New Mexico 3,654 4,422 -- 10,761 7,764
Nevada 53,880 2,520 49,954 8,506 7,038
Kentucky -- 7,343 2,858 -- 5,406
Missouri 30,948 47,531 6,963 28,528 5,218
Wyoming 1,150 1,841 5,198 2,853 5,213
Arkansas 3,762 1,470 1,742 -- 3,410
Kansas 4,328 2,026 5,710 1,749 3,137
Oklahoma 895 2,505 2,394 405 2,650
Louisiana 1,073 4,509 -- 516 2,174
Arizona 2,361 3,607 1,418 1,876 1,867
Maryland 3,290 18,541 -- 8,618 1,751
Oregon 31,675 4,896 3,903 11,189 1,330
Delaware -- 1,171 -- -- 456
Vermont 4,207 18,706 1,250 -- 431
Hawaii -- 358 -- 3,995 363
Other unspecified U.S. State 246,154 1,012 937,693 -- --
West Virginia -- -- 4,883 -- --
Rhode Island -- 5,151 -- -- --
District of Columbia 3,543 -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 18,821,081 14,784,825 13,461,794 24,148,944 22,727,661
Others 9,968,168 5,715,048 3,910,458 3,043,167 2,463,213
Total All Countries 28,789,249 20,499,873 17,372,252 27,192,111 25,190,874

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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