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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian imports
Naics 31122 - starch and vegetable fat and oil manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Iowa 290,021,757 278,549,202 299,278,933 352,564,438 332,791,867
Illinois 206,262,262 201,394,911 250,407,608 349,179,054 332,151,697
Michigan 11,613,295 156,179,055 220,223,987 261,785,919 317,850,679
Minnesota 99,509,039 154,878,971 196,383,553 209,753,127 237,406,001
South Dakota 106,933,770 121,126,676 175,716,769 233,987,271 203,136,520
North Dakota 122,588,841 89,591,926 77,219,432 135,070,940 97,460,995
Indiana 79,158,150 86,114,516 85,063,426 98,805,562 94,229,937
California 72,815,942 78,529,937 79,308,223 79,770,731 79,209,976
Ohio 62,461,611 56,038,487 67,897,940 103,426,380 78,368,784
Wisconsin 39,107,952 33,091,945 33,087,793 42,171,174 46,798,046
New York 27,189,822 24,362,632 39,942,726 46,632,270 33,819,133
Kansas 11,306,447 11,411,941 7,170,166 21,049,144 24,442,252
Missouri 18,993,570 19,684,630 17,392,615 22,658,092 22,577,738
New Jersey 14,417,336 15,099,291 14,777,338 20,695,804 21,416,269
Washington 10,201,324 10,219,980 13,417,891 15,045,801 21,297,478
Nebraska 25,222,914 17,976,985 13,851,945 16,800,160 19,115,452
North Carolina 17,669,459 15,227,571 14,675,088 20,296,379 16,148,001
Pennsylvania 10,028,893 7,789,517 8,744,017 15,241,623 16,015,898
Georgia 4,276,808 3,956,483 6,572,474 12,572,713 12,787,640
Tennessee 17,586,425 15,076,703 12,811,999 14,874,392 11,969,705
Massachusetts 7,713,724 8,235,939 14,209,881 21,638,682 10,714,227
Kentucky 3,907,768 4,434,039 7,541,248 7,577,673 9,234,902
Maryland 423,492 6,040,092 10,950,993 9,728,575 7,834,996
Texas 6,718,978 5,753,064 5,922,372 10,055,884 6,853,328
Florida 2,941,753 3,653,598 4,298,022 5,889,192 6,660,541
Utah 5,301,151 6,160,591 7,443,398 11,234,628 6,449,840
Oregon 5,780,035 7,154,026 8,275,153 7,185,892 5,268,083
Montana 2,169,787 2,651,858 3,174,992 5,391,986 4,440,210
Colorado 977,047 2,773,273 3,823,375 6,874,143 3,648,252
Nevada 4,274,447 4,162,162 1,979,720 2,150,433 3,338,500
Idaho 1,231,651 1,619,993 2,171,998 3,244,608 3,169,392
Alabama 378,110 834,872 3,394,651 1,508,003 2,466,081
Arkansas 951,537 1,035,952 1,509,153 1,099,631 1,907,777
South Carolina 2,440,074 1,256,984 1,479,068 1,692,098 1,897,080
Virginia 418,054 713,989 2,011,553 2,100,076 1,884,259
Connecticut 1,141,579 1,117,718 2,606,041 4,185,617 1,295,208
Maine 887,718 707,491 860,282 1,048,254 768,114
Other unspecified U.S. State 137,759 160,888 169,357 445,640 615,605
Delaware 349,975 182,181 362,314 300,361 478,354
New Hampshire 379,682 472,331 337,656 462,976 371,410
Mississippi 143,832 202,786 79,136 163,693 307,446
Arizona 2,784,723 1,927,141 2,272,590 3,216,946 292,246
Vermont 283,709 175,023 389,150 709,050 260,285
Oklahoma 423,538 628,304 518,070 181,774 128,472
Louisiana 461,673 366,816 177,260 87,239 80,820
Rhode Island 3,263 4,839 623,239 279,445 32,665
New Mexico 1,567 24,440 1,960 4,495 15,400
Wyoming 196 40,074 579 1,344 13,131
District of Columbia 3,665 3,989 10,072 565 9,973
West Virginia 6,621 33,446 8,412 -- 5,784
Puerto Rico 168 728 1,047 508 5,021
Hawaii 336 2,064 28 868 1,664
Alaska -- -- 108,802 -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 1,300,003,229 1,458,832,050 1,720,655,495 2,180,841,253 2,099,443,134
Others 839,991,225 977,966,930 1,050,497,701 1,501,096,677 1,725,851,236
Total All Countries 2,139,994,454 2,436,798,980 2,771,153,196 3,681,937,930 3,825,294,370

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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