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Report date: 2024-09-18


Canadian imports
Naics 3211 - sawmills and wood preservation
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Washington 175,304,924 180,918,748 228,472,814 237,072,099 200,333,606
Pennsylvania 93,499,475 92,092,813 99,517,438 102,864,718 84,977,138
New York 63,015,970 56,110,635 83,307,414 86,219,821 68,474,077
Wisconsin 82,718,007 76,967,293 84,053,842 81,605,079 68,223,645
Maine 70,948,510 61,177,201 74,750,512 77,249,313 65,596,341
Oregon 57,907,036 50,256,825 66,033,640 76,515,462 57,687,896
Ohio 50,023,375 46,944,073 56,712,613 57,960,040 51,693,230
Kentucky 40,750,272 21,000,316 20,245,672 22,442,668 50,088,181
Michigan 48,625,066 35,344,601 61,760,884 53,225,647 37,229,179
Indiana 16,665,734 23,009,188 21,855,346 22,593,926 36,773,107
New Hampshire 32,889,969 27,868,123 33,316,438 35,240,012 30,680,613
Vermont 21,888,841 16,259,898 20,268,984 22,360,431 20,154,272
Minnesota 8,938,152 12,357,386 21,596,673 32,190,388 18,698,948
Virginia 12,349,893 13,693,449 22,445,741 22,164,693 17,393,494
Louisiana 2,988,967 1,215,440 2,684,549 2,119,624 12,289,013
Idaho 10,598,774 12,462,777 14,442,302 13,083,046 11,375,094
Alabama 4,303,609 5,169,166 7,772,538 12,827,394 9,089,323
Missouri 14,614,923 9,651,322 7,986,435 8,634,635 8,993,861
California 6,172,554 8,933,455 10,559,986 7,152,880 8,969,631
Tennessee 5,902,759 5,980,226 10,541,838 10,092,922 8,643,613
Georgia 6,396,215 8,013,944 13,242,715 10,180,858 7,931,933
West Virginia 8,582,979 9,240,304 12,264,623 10,398,401 6,615,085
North Carolina 8,069,362 8,342,196 12,342,525 9,528,426 6,392,988
Connecticut 10,928,560 5,652,585 6,110,217 8,522,856 6,239,721
Nevada 2,326,095 5,569,601 4,819,800 6,416,875 4,643,618
Arkansas 601,628 2,458,369 2,592,868 1,123,112 3,530,291
Maryland 860,285 749,175 2,263,974 2,252,436 2,940,759
Montana 7,082,887 8,295,951 6,371,677 3,518,198 2,753,644
Texas 827,615 1,271,308 2,145,665 2,225,152 2,677,587
Mississippi 6,126,076 1,781,892 1,716,958 3,492,543 2,506,988
Alaska 1,607,792 1,780,037 1,457,984 1,909,585 2,379,192
Massachusetts 4,152,523 2,661,331 3,242,063 3,171,510 2,352,614
Illinois 6,011,263 1,651,463 3,146,349 3,408,592 2,060,568
Florida 1,343,791 1,755,962 2,107,720 3,585,988 1,629,690
South Dakota 168,966 647,106 864,666 712,425 1,608,841
Arizona 506,326 826,529 879,460 1,176,813 1,343,420
South Carolina 761,158 733,576 1,817,580 2,167,785 1,183,755
Iowa 820,548 831,438 1,662,971 3,236,118 793,223
North Dakota 267,841 200,657 147,844 610,478 604,742
Utah 246,753 105,543 36,358 67,093 537,961
New Jersey 3,704,218 1,781,958 2,958,017 3,106,978 315,398
Kansas 33,259 56,825 61,372 45,038 284,436
Delaware -- 48 -- 69,719 210,147
Colorado 5,972,625 2,248,159 100,968 108,169 140,209
Oklahoma 1,742,927 1,121,677 638,286 88,648 51,846
New Mexico 53,962 507 545 -- 23,878
Nebraska 149,993 47,904 819,726 496,005 17,664
Wyoming 35,668 54,126 120,467 381,142 15,240
District of Columbia -- 101 -- -- 7,043
Rhode Island 3,799 1,417 12,152 7,501 1,727
Other unspecified U.S. State 3,463 6,623 5,148 2,509 484
Hawaii -- -- -- 15,090 --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 899,495,387 825,301,247 1,032,276,357 1,065,640,841 929,158,954
Others 59,741,520 65,590,918 126,792,098 111,704,492 140,390,357
Total All Countries 959,236,907 890,892,165 1,159,068,455 1,177,345,333 1,069,549,311

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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