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Report date: 2024-09-18


Canadian total exports
Naics 31192 - coffee and tea manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
New Jersey 187,750,110 105,533,667 102,675,885 216,399,185 216,930,103
Illinois 50,784,902 88,847,480 93,709,316 135,348,882 138,702,631
New York 51,696,605 71,821,915 75,604,889 87,841,322 123,359,181
Texas 88,918,826 60,646,099 58,899,044 66,566,450 66,273,375
Pennsylvania 52,837,029 110,786,702 92,458,117 58,469,379 59,207,522
California 59,463,504 54,526,063 47,824,918 80,446,933 58,112,217
Massachusetts 21,476,941 18,176,705 38,630,279 64,687,112 48,712,975
Georgia 28,064,830 26,688,628 45,704,639 76,975,551 45,367,833
Florida 30,760,555 25,916,721 25,922,497 41,100,740 37,113,479
Ohio 15,619,722 18,124,516 23,427,953 32,669,044 35,885,314
Michigan 26,808,127 20,364,458 21,957,493 26,179,856 29,181,404
South Carolina 3,953,485 10,347,191 13,206,146 33,086,013 21,801,235
Wisconsin 18,381,872 15,186,031 17,528,527 24,322,400 20,390,715
Connecticut 15,569,237 14,529,735 17,901,936 17,458,483 18,901,305
Washington 32,581,572 12,668,601 15,362,225 20,430,111 18,520,437
Tennessee 6,415,294 6,767,435 6,418,778 27,983,377 16,608,943
North Carolina 15,950,645 12,078,409 12,650,709 14,268,665 14,827,927
Virginia 4,740,373 7,350,268 9,767,448 15,560,460 12,549,354
Nevada 4,113,101 8,669,969 5,553,078 6,232,339 10,485,876
Oregon 5,580,382 4,989,305 5,434,366 9,156,820 8,035,799
Colorado 4,508,325 6,433,927 6,376,370 6,605,787 7,327,174
Arizona 4,706,282 5,673,361 2,645,863 3,064,157 6,190,357
Kentucky 4,929,348 3,990,401 3,720,893 4,085,323 5,974,595
Indiana 4,962,486 4,954,715 3,336,094 3,682,299 4,568,221
Iowa 1,392,821 1,330,945 1,540,601 2,342,951 2,940,326
Minnesota 2,367,530 3,962,995 3,445,019 4,418,045 2,767,469
Maryland 3,242,744 3,437,100 4,014,526 3,527,298 2,368,039
Missouri 1,567,168 890,562 1,260,172 1,708,619 2,123,656
Utah 1,421,922 906,693 1,138,529 1,551,846 1,587,167
Maine 1,072,718 1,108,791 957,467 1,533,225 1,546,232
New Hampshire 843,084 824,786 994,273 1,137,740 1,220,740
Kansas 231,083 342,726 377,746 946,609 1,202,774
North Dakota 270,565 446,232 566,521 690,051 732,128
Alabama 138,465 273,380 300,622 430,901 700,537
Arkansas 81,507 488,773 1,735,601 1,172,090 602,347
Oklahoma 163,130 332,359 567,260 519,608 494,448
South Dakota 3,243 121,145 342,593 484,227 488,156
Montana 273,808 451,090 330,228 376,989 320,245
West Virginia 127,766 154,943 178,765 228,597 269,792
Louisiana 180,560 150,629 78,160 261,338 242,060
Nebraska 81,391 277,638 592,581 119,188 240,435
Vermont 1,084,594 374,400 292,224 16,336,910 164,703
New Mexico 478,271 423,914 142,919 99,171 129,621
Mississippi 28,665 42,598 24,520 301,520 94,330
Rhode Island 14,335 6,907 5,950 16,101 43,672
Delaware 15,789 13,025 29,375 11,068 11,713
District of Columbia 108,329 -- -- 32,971 11,660
Hawaii 373,079 8,222 106,328 383,813 7,765
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- -- -- 6,693
Idaho 92,666 50,347 14,455 39,254 6,351
Wyoming -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Alaska -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 756,228,786 731,492,502 765,753,898 1,111,290,818 1,045,351,031
Others 27,839,023 30,950,918 54,479,731 85,115,537 64,554,963
Total All Countries 784,067,809 762,443,420 820,233,629 1,196,406,355 1,109,905,994

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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