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Report date: 2024-09-23


Canadian total exports
Naics 32741 - lime manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
New York 18,021,997 17,698,307 18,132,448 19,846,881 22,470,221
Maine 18,251,026 16,677,065 15,948,468 18,065,731 16,754,383
Massachusetts 7,860,190 7,689,307 6,468,448 6,898,800 7,353,863
Alaska 3,123,579 3,112,522 3,388,001 5,368,115 5,648,706
Ohio 4,949,951 4,301,596 4,635,150 4,586,451 4,734,183
Washington 6,137,201 5,456,827 2,963,632 2,832,393 3,362,419
Pennsylvania 2,558,645 1,169,855 2,586,163 1,632,818 3,346,175
Michigan 2,056,003 1,747,311 1,569,797 1,496,182 2,065,436
Indiana 391,839 89,461 1,070,985 1,253,987 1,218,374
North Dakota 722,714 620,102 473,506 658,008 1,000,920
Connecticut 1,189,957 1,530,603 1,253,060 1,372,211 997,026
Minnesota 652,030 537,134 427,973 599,309 775,052
Vermont 421,553 404,459 448,357 485,214 455,072
New Hampshire 619,678 469,609 343,161 327,789 361,301
New Jersey -- 2,735 102,911 217,441 211,420
Rhode Island 116,031 136,048 114,692 142,240 84,590
Oregon 112,729 89,228 165,025 67,685 50,487
West Virginia -- -- 3,060 -- 33,098
Kentucky 8,964 -- 6,474 6,114 17,359
Wisconsin 21,408 10,421 37,080 74,049 17,086
Colorado 5,394 3,977 3,814 21,582 12,822
Florida 2,862 9,322 20,675 9,676 8,628
California -- -- 37,317 8,571 7,840
Illinois -- 8,209 9,901 25,577 --
Nebraska -- -- -- 15,874 --
Tennessee -- 10,176 17,971 7,497 --
South Dakota 178,583 188,508 134,800 4,221 --
Montana 23,971 124,659 24,973 -- --
Idaho -- -- 5,294 -- --
Texas 7,192 -- -- -- --
Hawaii 3,190 -- -- -- --
Delaware -- -- -- -- --
Maryland -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Alabama -- -- -- -- --
Arkansas -- -- -- -- --
Arizona -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Georgia -- -- -- -- --
Iowa -- -- -- -- --
Kansas -- -- -- -- --
Louisiana -- -- -- -- --
Missouri -- -- -- -- --
Mississippi -- -- -- -- --
North Carolina -- -- -- -- --
New Mexico -- -- -- -- --
Oklahoma -- -- -- -- --
South Carolina -- -- -- -- --
Virginia -- -- -- -- --
Nevada -- -- -- -- --
Utah -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- -- -- --
Wyoming -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 67,436,687 62,087,441 60,393,136 66,024,416 70,986,461
Others 567,870 29,992 73,645 28,542 14,829
Total All Countries 68,004,557 62,117,433 60,466,781 66,052,958 71,001,290

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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