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Report date: 2024-09-22


Canadian imports
Naics 32741 - lime manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Wisconsin 6,454,713 6,002,943 13,222,021 14,879,411 26,681,583
Michigan 12,154,439 13,860,933 14,996,839 14,140,368 19,926,104
Montana 21,610,987 9,742,565 12,453,350 11,241,756 14,950,028
Utah 21,815,319 4,157,236 1,368,502 1,153,907 4,336,736
Ohio 3,533,271 3,148,443 3,236,185 3,120,157 3,010,554
Indiana 914,805 845,943 1,155,181 1,845,379 1,972,499
South Dakota 1,927,691 1,097,659 1,582,335 1,403,036 1,736,949
Kentucky 1,407 426,187 799,702 1,083,342 1,250,723
Pennsylvania 933,746 1,015,295 1,944,242 529,623 1,139,698
Missouri 941,752 2,122,880 1,076,540 1,143,573 1,002,327
Washington 1,168,776 1,272,163 1,031,138 568,744 688,754
Iowa 40 26 66,989 182,176 412,562
Minnesota 3,367,904 1,209,326 485,113 167,911 169,834
Texas 8,843 5,830 10,000 30,746 126,234
Arizona 20,317 386,635 42,295 91,405 105,193
New York 41,873 43,581 30,862 16,132 47,974
Illinois 53,245 46,596 45,106 48,194 37,345
Oregon 32,290 -- 4,340 54,769 33,496
Nevada 136,469 253,615 154,797 8,167 28,343
Virginia 46,817 40,145 32,787 36,561 24,280
California 26,942 49,902 16,109 1,343 18,393
Maine 28,359 14,913 30,007 9,846 17,443
New Jersey 10,783 9,209 17,598 2,146 13,831
Delaware -- 10,099 -- 5,287 7,035
Florida 518 907 366 853 1,474
Connecticut 94,656 -- -- -- 1,164
Arkansas 9,025 -- -- -- 136
Alabama -- 10 -- -- 32
South Carolina 5,749 18,140 -- 22 7
Georgia -- -- -- -- 7
North Carolina 3 5 -- 1,347 5
Hawaii -- -- -- 9,058 --
Tennessee 7,470 5,007 33,132 4,499 --
Wyoming 117,665 5,033 180,848 3 --
West Virginia 17,836 18,151 17,167 -- --
Other unspecified U.S. State 136 -- 5,085 -- --
Massachusetts -- -- 2,303 -- --
Maryland -- 6,569 -- -- --
Colorado 582 14 -- -- --
Louisiana 942 10 -- -- --
North Dakota 5,677 -- -- -- --
Rhode Island -- -- -- -- --
Alaska -- -- -- -- --
Mississippi -- -- -- -- --
Idaho -- -- -- -- --
New Hampshire -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Vermont -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Kansas -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Nebraska -- -- -- -- --
New Mexico -- -- -- -- --
Oklahoma -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 75,491,047 45,815,970 54,040,939 51,779,761 77,740,743
Others 3,362,340 3,966,642 5,276,795 1,922,605 1,582,788
Total All Countries 78,853,387 49,782,612 59,317,734 53,702,366 79,323,531

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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