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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian total exports
Naics 33151 - ferrous metal foundries
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Kentucky 3,722,251 4,524,064 4,273,252 5,363,162 10,260,316
Michigan 4,662,972 3,734,405 4,928,217 7,314,170 9,468,106
Pennsylvania 3,585,104 2,991,235 4,373,203 5,342,029 9,331,283
Minnesota 10,244,748 6,855,941 5,403,519 1,808,638 7,206,914
Texas 10,535,285 4,201,646 3,464,940 5,765,820 6,896,312
Louisiana 380,461 537,613 2,960,144 5,767,725 6,044,007
California 5,959,266 3,043,768 2,063,371 4,869,161 4,157,604
Alaska 3,786,529 3,956,279 3,863,253 7,052,475 3,944,497
New York 4,236,313 3,572,387 4,123,535 3,046,893 3,029,960
Colorado 320,313 368,105 808,621 2,430,814 2,955,527
Arizona 1,077,980 1,910,119 1,651,331 2,163,409 2,789,128
Alabama 887,235 1,475,087 832,842 1,448,572 2,463,194
Ohio 2,041,385 1,971,372 2,006,415 2,632,233 2,418,194
Indiana 1,823,754 1,516,665 1,817,282 1,680,008 2,300,768
Illinois 2,158,830 1,947,737 1,872,713 5,886,201 2,292,099
Nevada 41,669 510,461 662,855 238,522 2,030,752
Utah 689,224 1,374,404 1,516,509 1,400,338 1,755,382
North Carolina 980,773 1,326,466 1,555,910 1,263,745 1,715,360
South Carolina 3,888,636 3,808,734 1,926,817 1,799,020 1,702,274
Wisconsin 2,021,517 1,397,247 2,334,430 3,506,949 1,528,084
Washington 746,121 685,165 802,610 1,072,715 1,482,182
Massachusetts 2,050,511 1,523,787 1,493,671 1,630,850 1,477,012
Arkansas 29,456 73,601 1,451,844 1,472,791 1,282,569
Missouri 552,052 582,090 822,189 812,266 1,137,077
Georgia 1,434,088 1,062,746 923,024 1,364,187 1,129,943
New Jersey 673,505 412,708 423,560 637,260 941,892
Mississippi 482,423 545,177 159,405 1,499,326 737,023
Maine 1,013,863 981,413 1,427,169 941,216 713,975
New Hampshire 767,140 832,873 1,039,517 252,020 706,854
Iowa 2,437,563 2,235,156 1,800,108 384,788 695,908
Connecticut 2,073,468 2,018,380 1,358,380 411,209 582,656
Oklahoma 118,180 327,476 523,335 988,760 559,834
Virginia 1,398,676 925,347 395,758 1,375,060 363,943
Tennessee 4,036,548 4,352,857 8,316,626 3,834,070 340,797
West Virginia 256,264 103,208 60,630 27,823 306,399
North Dakota 91,205 78,936 73,517 286,116 280,785
Oregon 129,738 18,576 36,017 126,954 275,064
Florida 530,232 1,217,608 295,378 572,263 203,310
Montana 108,011 52,713 266,154 747,180 200,624
Maryland 107,564 65,902 62,362 27,266 146,322
District of Columbia -- -- 16,481 -- 82,588
Idaho 59,161 44,724 7,421 10,834 63,422
Rhode Island 74,477 74,223 90,804 44,272 60,046
South Dakota 38,564 424,216 128,730 31,881 55,619
Vermont 45,025 37,128 132,512 28,117 43,599
Nebraska 33,318 8,150 280,773 28,618 42,877
New Mexico 128,264 36,576 64,161 449,823 36,792
Kansas 303,120 880,343 313,767 102,674 29,970
Wyoming 57,045 238,481 61,897 59,698 26,515
Other unspecified U.S. State 8,717 6,220 3,169 9,080 9,317
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- 14,928 --
Puerto Rico -- -- 6,226 -- --
Delaware -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 82,828,544 70,869,515 75,276,354 90,023,929 98,304,675
Others 15,243,052 26,275,897 17,097,401 9,722,920 19,228,987
Total All Countries 98,071,596 97,145,412 92,373,755 99,746,849 117,533,662

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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