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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian imports
Naics 21223 - copper, nickel, lead and zinc ore mining
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Michigan 161,197,434 302,433,394 427,209,016 559,386,362 594,358,582
Alaska 551,156,057 617,848,361 755,023,672 757,707,518 473,710,890
Nevada 97,173,099 238,750,201 258,438,360 335,136,556 398,917,750
Idaho 54,696,503 125,285,995 229,659,818 244,889,449 207,715,507
Montana 15,932,707 141,356,556 192,339,930 193,252,287 182,735,790
New York 77,331,959 220,575,699 185,413,705 82,181,276 82,988,443
Utah 1,259 511,178 572 59,316 30,877,376
Missouri 39,038,394 391,829 8,621,446 23,663,575 14,330,995
California 1,796 3 552 12,847,749 4,243,711
Ohio 2,996 27,603 1,964,784 339,835 1,394,652
Louisiana -- -- -- -- 861,766
Connecticut 44 9,789 119,523 13,978 278,907
Mississippi -- -- 262,751 -- 249,225
Minnesota 67 715 66,381 231 241,803
New Jersey 8,248 -- 50,437 134,719 167,933
Oregon 361,128 401,812 228,416 146,123 120,024
Arizona 37,235 69,358 95,346 8,076 4,175
Tennessee -- -- 32 8 1,509
Indiana -- 3,066 2,107 553 1,416
Pennsylvania 598 1,027 2,163 44,064 1,344
North Carolina 368 243 1,573 71,482 1,195
Texas 38,569 717 7,295 14 829
North Dakota -- 2,036 13,680 83,946 443
Washington 66,936,051 99 543 63,838 421
New Hampshire 2,962 -- -- -- 254
Colorado 747 492 188 251 237
Massachusetts 189 5,185 -- -- 135
Georgia -- 1,007 1,499 2,142 133
South Carolina 2,028 1,166 4,488 1,437 127
Illinois 36 1,605 2,564 121 124
Wisconsin 3,958 5,901 6,274 21 117
Kentucky 74 -- 381 -- 80
Florida -- 132 -- -- 27
Maryland 46,055,973 1,590,833 1,125 -- 1
Other unspecified U.S. State -- 293 -- 1,326 --
Iowa -- 165 5,116 -- --
Oklahoma -- 33 43 -- --
Alabama 9,228 13,979 -- -- --
Nebraska 39,534 -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico 1,460 -- -- -- --
Delaware 993 -- -- -- --
Kansas 33 -- -- -- --
West Virginia -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
South Dakota -- -- -- -- --
Maine -- -- -- -- --
Wyoming -- -- -- -- --
Virginia -- -- -- -- --
New Mexico -- -- -- -- --
Rhode Island -- -- -- -- --
Vermont -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Arkansas -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 1,110,031,727 1,649,290,472 2,059,543,780 2,210,036,253 1,993,205,921
Others 1,151,417,343 656,982,848 1,053,043,850 1,659,539,393 1,431,663,362
Total All Countries 2,261,449,070 2,306,273,320 3,112,587,630 3,869,575,646 3,424,869,283

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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