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Report date: 2024-09-25


Canadian imports
Naics 3321 - forging and stamping
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Ohio 217,663,628 202,100,592 175,389,135 219,225,884 201,544,610
Pennsylvania 166,512,083 132,530,074 155,385,108 197,030,649 181,813,801
Illinois 126,298,424 107,292,211 125,657,502 148,832,349 177,078,568
Virginia 18,733,151 65,871,524 72,142,178 83,018,312 85,462,803
Indiana 26,788,413 32,460,345 41,004,427 52,328,650 72,849,145
Arkansas 52,093,691 60,020,150 38,183,187 48,554,078 56,934,760
Alabama 21,657,012 31,103,431 26,069,119 30,918,268 32,396,561
Minnesota 34,824,766 35,330,037 46,380,304 42,755,167 31,583,143
Michigan 25,574,283 23,227,340 22,914,617 28,594,778 31,489,611
California 30,806,269 28,198,538 27,601,846 24,550,616 29,700,571
Washington 25,205,635 27,596,246 27,463,687 31,917,053 26,527,926
Tennessee 9,517,002 12,988,748 14,354,691 21,358,578 24,322,334
Texas 41,590,451 29,733,018 24,160,100 34,465,526 23,873,771
Oklahoma 15,455,563 22,957,300 17,546,958 21,103,931 21,686,718
Kentucky 13,635,727 17,888,778 22,378,612 15,211,344 21,130,679
Florida 17,982,093 15,677,301 17,266,316 19,087,386 20,522,104
Missouri 13,829,435 26,797,196 26,530,706 19,335,717 20,260,735
Wisconsin 12,523,385 13,247,153 12,118,058 15,681,320 16,315,078
Connecticut 9,690,448 10,216,639 16,064,054 15,869,129 16,214,135
New York 17,065,571 24,283,120 20,907,502 23,352,475 16,050,009
Nebraska 13,532,638 14,139,496 6,882,092 14,631,051 11,974,777
New Jersey 16,555,690 10,110,898 9,610,137 12,897,252 8,491,201
Delaware 4,399,633 6,360,965 8,225,593 17,174,136 8,458,943
Kansas 2,676,202 3,440,565 3,259,357 6,520,490 7,322,104
Georgia 9,768,806 6,249,048 6,993,179 7,454,765 7,321,474
North Carolina 3,026,754 3,611,039 4,185,823 5,618,669 6,587,334
Colorado 17,158,861 11,268,319 9,330,614 10,515,922 5,856,801
West Virginia 7,141,968 7,459,879 7,383,220 7,927,619 5,850,933
Utah 3,422,224 3,305,276 4,322,572 3,463,483 5,597,202
Mississippi 939,638 890,032 941,068 2,093,261 5,456,025
South Carolina 4,123,930 1,919,126 4,421,724 3,677,962 4,109,458
Iowa 1,667,677 5,796,265 3,600,895 3,204,986 3,387,210
Nevada 2,828,133 2,404,899 2,570,720 3,776,807 3,352,506
Arizona 1,402,932 1,235,076 1,414,972 1,608,607 2,423,859
Oregon 2,771,709 1,568,928 1,953,042 2,082,529 1,629,245
Massachusetts 1,246,939 1,217,245 1,135,391 1,786,965 1,528,382
Louisiana 435,486 461,645 324,399 694,071 1,340,824
New Hampshire 1,115,876 1,517,326 1,316,911 1,011,994 1,229,050
Maryland 1,380,239 864,282 2,731,634 1,179,975 1,162,607
Idaho 400,574 649,711 429,278 692,993 692,180
Rhode Island 298,558 236,111 356,075 442,344 564,819
Vermont 83,437 86,380 117,142 146,433 320,856
Wyoming 253,478 335,190 194,825 1,189,447 313,793
Montana 171,316 170,842 121,188 167,507 251,942
North Dakota 215,752 119,903 210,426 263,601 145,382
Alaska 77 23,805 5,124 196,602 141,941
Other unspecified U.S. State 143,431 189,438 219,094 172,290 141,129
South Dakota 80,612 105,531 571,490 461,833 138,170
New Mexico 93,901 324,441 1,401,419 65,756 133,874
Maine 222,794 109,348 348,013 125,532 132,913
Puerto Rico 5,381 45,275 19,296 2,689 15,824
District of Columbia 465 2,663 338 1,055 11,809
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- 14 --
Hawaii 132 27 -- -- --
Sub-total 995,012,273 1,005,738,715 1,014,115,158 1,204,439,850 1,203,841,629
Others 512,130,316 467,780,027 498,989,188 628,231,660 577,518,927
Total All Countries 1,507,142,589 1,473,518,742 1,513,104,346 1,832,671,510 1,781,360,556

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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