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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian total exports
Naics 32611 - plastic packaging materials and unlaminated film and sheet manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
California 177,882,885 204,815,359 224,456,750 243,189,990 214,753,686
Wisconsin 168,826,811 189,926,129 223,649,236 229,904,163 205,943,363
New York 155,803,769 165,798,816 176,243,532 183,175,880 193,213,960
Ohio 149,502,996 157,193,400 170,887,008 204,228,048 182,904,520
Illinois 202,182,448 190,647,766 198,277,953 225,134,915 173,169,925
Texas 155,672,556 139,707,707 151,173,458 166,479,311 168,628,068
Minnesota 85,248,595 82,200,077 102,645,918 139,229,174 160,992,401
Indiana 116,886,381 115,565,818 129,812,960 165,187,386 152,498,171
Pennsylvania 148,410,460 149,004,692 157,874,885 184,109,264 144,353,032
Michigan 93,462,340 99,002,760 124,568,798 138,994,585 116,894,535
New Jersey 74,464,723 75,653,751 89,775,886 102,335,235 106,233,616
Missouri 71,964,000 82,814,277 91,573,186 107,697,150 99,562,560
North Carolina 84,366,684 86,824,015 106,270,465 110,273,197 98,752,895
Georgia 75,939,379 74,734,399 81,204,859 101,579,699 96,394,345
Washington 81,138,862 93,313,345 94,462,399 98,651,814 91,715,194
Massachusetts 55,607,654 55,693,926 62,907,466 64,089,886 74,191,645
Tennessee 61,545,963 63,885,140 66,657,562 70,209,155 69,253,152
Kansas 40,425,548 46,655,218 51,825,592 62,765,794 58,762,421
Virginia 45,157,160 43,090,850 58,849,668 68,975,371 57,464,168
Kentucky 42,589,620 46,668,912 49,043,158 58,749,347 53,302,552
Oregon 40,765,684 45,850,093 46,259,193 66,460,833 50,535,009
Florida 35,398,082 38,661,603 58,187,499 55,263,188 48,880,735
Utah 31,587,647 34,393,825 47,236,820 48,620,833 48,403,403
Nebraska 36,358,101 39,129,551 38,976,410 43,774,051 40,432,094
South Carolina 29,791,436 26,939,792 37,268,950 39,701,190 38,974,682
Alabama 22,353,172 25,174,985 32,014,378 35,288,478 33,588,783
Idaho 24,748,563 28,733,717 28,830,716 28,740,864 32,689,719
Maryland 32,058,634 37,606,169 33,333,374 34,757,838 32,177,534
Maine 22,925,784 27,289,651 28,909,115 29,340,085 26,678,034
Iowa 18,737,243 18,511,736 21,478,440 27,032,703 24,114,786
Colorado 17,682,093 17,289,721 19,902,318 23,836,047 23,064,135
Arizona 12,832,268 16,408,071 26,721,483 23,055,495 22,807,718
Oklahoma 10,680,157 9,833,891 16,017,687 19,299,943 22,798,297
West Virginia 8,311,981 7,797,614 15,895,594 20,483,002 19,485,376
Connecticut 22,026,725 19,130,789 20,094,814 24,414,157 18,322,795
Mississippi 8,944,897 9,299,792 10,410,651 17,070,736 18,126,725
Delaware 22,835,633 15,473,605 16,587,752 17,515,348 16,141,276
Louisiana 12,790,244 13,871,754 17,100,020 14,503,468 14,057,975
Puerto Rico 6,432,895 6,050,391 11,270,477 15,299,189 13,442,562
New Hampshire 11,023,436 12,795,782 14,383,815 13,105,278 11,607,365
Arkansas 10,018,826 8,839,247 11,923,336 13,835,698 11,509,899
Nevada 5,551,501 4,672,159 7,550,390 10,676,155 10,063,160
Vermont 5,294,037 4,250,676 5,396,606 5,775,325 6,241,398
Montana 3,000,225 2,199,538 2,372,057 3,367,403 4,874,167
Rhode Island 2,431,243 2,040,872 3,592,052 4,133,897 4,735,591
North Dakota 8,365,561 6,517,963 6,557,670 4,853,628 4,444,938
New Mexico 2,345,018 1,355,191 3,684,068 4,489,250 4,385,553
South Dakota 3,441,137 4,814,061 4,293,897 5,959,104 4,020,557
Wyoming 723,860 1,037,403 3,155,300 3,319,296 3,527,131
Alaska 848,072 158,467 1,617,083 2,538,760 603,299
District of Columbia 518,658 2,202,586 2,525,343 818,961 284,275
Other unspecified U.S. State 371,626 411,642 421,926 187,178 210,616
Hawaii 439,449 275,552 176,867 120,014 143,399
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- 3,102 1,685 --
Sub-total 2,558,712,722 2,652,214,246 3,006,309,942 3,382,598,444 3,130,357,195
Others 121,037,943 137,534,993 135,730,625 148,908,849 130,441,104
Total All Countries 2,679,750,665 2,789,749,239 3,142,040,567 3,531,507,293 3,260,798,299

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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