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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian imports
Naics 11119 - other grain farming
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Montana 6,422,334 27,977,200 62,075,979 7,115,057 14,400,616
South Dakota 1,047,380 1,760,132 2,269,184 3,055,335 3,273,073
Maine 3,898,896 4,086,763 4,297,010 3,135,822 3,231,880
North Dakota 2,383,746 2,665,082 4,586,403 3,405,789 2,565,786
Colorado 1,499,186 1,601,343 992,871 1,681,342 2,146,521
California 2,067,656 3,066,022 1,750,156 1,838,329 1,253,590
Minnesota 2,852,307 1,587,211 2,224,157 1,300,866 1,186,066
Iowa 879,185 805,564 318,576 552,813 1,004,573
Nebraska 1,144,189 1,628,423 814,580 2,278,879 919,287
Washington 48,231 20,158 167,348 27,591 580,632
Pennsylvania 75,625 565,944 623,510 430,158 467,057
Illinois 471,983 2,525,725 1,711,854 702,981 407,438
Kansas 57,475 62,163 68,312 39,442 359,765
Wisconsin 196,228 207,600 845,588 222,207 345,483
New York 491,750 472,738 317,343 868,818 274,218
Idaho 195,180 199,168 2,567,839 387,636 262,625
Florida 212,162 623,082 75,874 378,371 196,526
Indiana 131,785 158,211 390,056 400,025 148,217
Oregon 372,067 292,875 766,652 83,287 139,546
Michigan 662,187 767,818 702,850 593,855 137,118
Utah 450 88,856 15,352 30,390 89,063
New Jersey 217,811 86,381 246,769 279,969 65,301
Texas 113,098 128,506 100,199 27,346 41,775
Ohio 57,336 268,636 70,176 135,787 39,570
Wyoming -- 240,529 315,889 144,785 19,175
Other unspecified U.S. State 9,972 13,159 12,953 24,777 18,698
Arizona 146,797 94,167 9,214 15,940 16,397
Maryland 1,683 2,332 63,283 6,428 10,354
Georgia 136,162 54,920 499 174 7,947
Virginia -- 322 34 719 7,212
Connecticut 681 61 10,124 1,377 6,240
Arkansas 760,532 728,232 582,708 90,716 5,530
Missouri 82,179 22,806 17,179 120,021 3,119
Nevada 300 912 8,950 211 1,635
Massachusetts 25,601 169,054 334,978 30,967 1,524
Tennessee 195 52 5,020 75,481 961
Kentucky 1,774 22,358 872 99,101 797
Mississippi 20,229 -- 1,576 128,474 489
New Hampshire 73 255 -- -- 87
North Carolina 18,377 4,416 17,957 54,471 65
Louisiana -- 52,490 18 24 31
Rhode Island 39 54 266 16 30
West Virginia -- -- -- -- 27
South Carolina 23,718 14,140 29,583 -- 5
Alaska -- -- -- -- 1
Vermont -- 33 18,278 154 --
Alabama -- -- -- 35 --
Delaware 8 45,991 -- 21 --
Hawaii -- -- -- 3 --
Oklahoma -- 2,690 633 -- --
Puerto Rico 143 56 -- -- --
District of Columbia -- 5 -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
New Mexico -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 26,726,710 53,114,635 89,428,652 29,765,990 33,636,050
Others 39,898,160 42,334,409 39,456,344 122,921,870 35,416,387
Total All Countries 66,624,870 95,449,044 128,884,996 152,687,860 69,052,437

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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