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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian imports
Naics 32419 - other petroleum and coal product manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Louisiana 83,758,322 133,313,595 189,250,926 376,435,660 372,446,648
Pennsylvania 196,298,462 116,736,989 129,758,095 363,934,947 335,181,687
Texas 82,029,422 89,558,865 133,605,878 183,526,379 240,245,164
Michigan 98,440,267 120,217,994 282,459,876 160,393,825 236,619,840
Oregon 68,651,988 53,437,660 52,241,455 80,330,558 89,944,573
Indiana 41,745,226 37,733,081 38,709,756 56,219,211 64,577,671
Ohio 54,465,851 35,698,665 40,912,982 36,205,691 61,656,813
Minnesota 39,796,125 44,533,048 35,975,553 42,920,330 53,391,777
Illinois 58,273,608 57,771,815 51,954,106 102,324,832 50,627,751
Kentucky 25,309,597 22,547,984 20,984,618 28,765,549 36,193,445
Oklahoma 19,454,802 15,748,557 21,370,125 36,681,368 32,507,038
West Virginia 78,647,229 29,460,535 30,801,971 36,235,118 23,450,183
California 17,562,496 14,005,645 17,247,661 16,365,696 22,574,423
Nebraska 33,895,766 29,180,140 27,266,551 30,584,485 22,033,801
Iowa 14,156,502 10,603,099 11,464,126 17,696,660 19,406,179
New York 34,436,951 24,381,498 11,032,797 52,252,620 19,267,304
Mississippi 8,902,189 7,719,613 10,718,598 16,152,316 19,036,560
Virginia 840,948 1,094,667 4,820,619 12,509,961 10,431,211
Utah 5,447,562 6,208,992 5,170,550 5,834,122 9,747,446
Kansas 4,975,842 4,725,607 6,177,222 8,862,750 8,468,412
Missouri 3,295,784 3,275,508 5,352,878 8,789,444 7,466,123
Wisconsin 3,679,467 3,773,038 5,407,371 6,899,592 6,473,439
New Jersey 6,667,542 4,040,618 5,394,621 6,006,355 6,072,934
Tennessee 4,391,469 4,850,483 10,074,117 5,752,283 5,656,615
South Dakota 48,725 75,164 102,784 619,223 2,295,805
Arkansas 1,694,154 1,003,087 366,443 1,994,912 2,186,943
Alabama 1,620,350 1,084,965 1,454,873 995,708 2,169,157
Georgia 657,679 753,663 1,062,985 2,175,570 1,838,967
Massachusetts 857,679 524,764 664,476 1,275,074 1,413,226
Wyoming 1,431,463 1,497,546 2,035,534 1,310,858 1,327,802
North Carolina 926,420 469,709 397,115 1,260,860 1,281,046
Florida 6,491,730 7,135,484 3,535,604 2,654,266 1,086,095
Washington 36,413,641 2,452,829 1,153,484 814,562 1,007,381
Maine 644,390 814,337 706,626 1,184,500 731,715
South Carolina 1,235,374 1,049,910 1,163,081 884,212 703,204
Maryland 2,868,472 3,724,636 1,540,680 449,062 565,231
Connecticut 371,230 324,667 272,206 314,424 348,053
New Hampshire 1,259,487 671,480 988,246 448,664 308,422
Colorado 326,639 45,240 246,286 121,766 186,734
North Dakota 316,619 159,333 110,060 42,473 155,480
Nevada 12,490 39,152 132,229 434,208 150,625
Arizona 321,845 196,220 124,572 124,321 134,708
Idaho 14,885 219,874 346,933 186,152 90,718
Montana 10,209 10,200 68,012 25,652 87,245
Delaware 105,721 58,079 69,740 64,218 72,457
Vermont 3,163 151 316 1,957 3,643
Rhode Island 3,724 3,194 15,394 10,195 2,784
Other unspecified U.S. State 11,532 7,009 9,219 3,948 2,518
New Mexico 3,456 119 17,120 63 1,611
Alaska 24,884 17,797 61,196 93,550 345
Puerto Rico -- 35,209 2,964 -- --
District of Columbia -- -- 18 -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 1,042,799,378 892,991,514 1,164,800,648 1,709,170,150 1,771,628,952
Others 123,438,665 105,928,784 142,288,697 237,526,897 228,906,144
Total All Countries 1,166,238,043 998,920,298 1,307,089,345 1,946,697,047 2,000,535,096

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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