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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian imports
Naics 11111 - soybean farming
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
New York 85,410,059 76,165,515 87,330,897 140,840,832 96,738,736
Michigan 94,195,356 38,370,237 97,165,105 107,821,460 76,319,438
Ohio 37,512,935 17,411,705 12,978,559 8,975,680 44,505,609
North Dakota 3,884,391 1,296,287 41,017,162 13,077,901 16,207,600
Nebraska 2 -- 2 2 6,037,417
Wisconsin 5,668 7,548 16,883 -- 4,290,662
Minnesota 9,381,497 9,323,458 19,195,969 26,305,088 3,712,884
Iowa 5,111,207 2,184,569 3,373,663 8,156,325 2,196,069
Kansas 18,227 52,392 115,614 795,230 1,519,141
Vermont 496,438 1,378,243 1,642,039 2,484,317 1,466,935
Delaware -- -- -- -- 1,289,144
Illinois 240,054 136,028 134,011 1,475,613 441,761
South Dakota 31,954 3,768 562 132,722 193,175
Maine 102,279 22,655 110,164 160,370 143,115
Pennsylvania 62,760 111,107 232,278 147,639 103,449
Indiana 40,194 115,258 561,785 195,837 48,854
Arkansas 1 -- -- 114 32,453
Massachusetts 19,786 124,716 3,032 -- 29,869
California 31,337 143,535 32,571 30,668 28,335
North Carolina 1,822 6,239 16 13 26,453
Missouri 125,292 450,417 977,089 133,093 21,982
Puerto Rico 16,400 85,142 175,060 3,583 15,437
Colorado 43 120 2,688 1,158 2,294
New Jersey 13,829 25,178 6,138 8,111 1,885
Utah -- -- 414 138 486
Florida -- 44 627 -- 74
Louisiana 24,346,104 -- 1 -- 40
Nevada -- -- 25 8 37
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- 15 -- 24
Virginia 69 -- 107 5 4
Oregon 6,866 13,210 5,986 2,924 --
Hawaii -- -- -- 1,914 --
Montana 38,897 -- -- 510 --
Texas 4,899 -- 90 181 --
Washington 6,152 10,279 6,197 7 --
New Mexico -- -- 125 3 --
Maryland 126,932 42,100 -- 1 --
Tennessee 29 4 75,250 -- --
Kentucky 592 1,072 75,211 -- --
Idaho 4 -- 52 -- --
Georgia -- 79 1 -- --
Alabama -- 8,236 -- -- --
Oklahoma 263 -- -- -- --
Mississippi 67 -- -- -- --
Arizona 1 -- -- -- --
Connecticut -- -- -- -- --
New Hampshire -- -- -- -- --
Wyoming -- -- -- -- --
Rhode Island -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
South Carolina -- -- -- -- --
Alaska -- -- -- -- --
West Virginia -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 261,232,406 147,489,141 265,235,388 310,751,447 255,373,362
Others 41,422,357 34,654,054 65,609,934 183,761,823 110,063,249
Total All Countries 302,654,763 182,143,195 330,845,322 494,513,270 365,436,611

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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