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Report date: 2024-09-18


Canadian total exports
Naics 3323 - architectural and structural metals manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Massachusetts 287,789,598 300,945,404 310,388,034 466,054,824 497,844,316
Michigan 90,042,270 151,226,210 139,226,753 176,833,539 310,233,357
New York 269,545,747 250,245,512 271,419,093 270,860,083 294,252,304
Florida 168,780,423 255,002,055 153,323,899 136,193,018 216,132,660
California 153,454,538 143,483,251 127,226,700 158,906,695 201,065,495
Washington 223,078,419 168,646,154 232,675,710 204,781,770 193,759,582
Texas 119,043,738 121,001,349 153,640,753 199,225,320 166,521,822
Ohio 104,764,246 94,462,270 120,164,639 117,808,537 154,510,752
New Jersey 124,180,830 139,724,573 174,967,083 157,646,625 151,646,839
Pennsylvania 73,379,944 85,265,625 74,954,388 150,738,188 137,626,506
Illinois 115,355,350 79,871,778 95,674,681 117,541,014 121,108,309
Maryland 70,254,953 44,045,285 50,718,060 100,219,847 85,336,453
Minnesota 36,367,703 46,876,982 73,215,525 65,833,217 80,319,444
Kentucky 14,063,569 14,956,768 17,395,649 23,849,088 69,989,980
North Carolina 35,073,680 39,606,211 51,757,855 56,055,439 67,422,460
Indiana 36,718,429 41,296,091 81,963,763 71,809,008 63,609,196
Wisconsin 38,489,441 35,356,687 36,929,976 54,114,410 56,912,739
Connecticut 44,698,532 45,511,080 59,946,860 77,868,454 56,310,988
Georgia 41,453,937 39,396,323 40,924,142 46,774,757 53,658,150
Tennessee 20,657,038 22,407,464 30,655,904 34,587,145 47,417,049
Arizona 20,895,538 17,666,469 21,658,850 30,136,959 43,902,372
Virginia 41,923,117 69,670,630 103,315,114 37,451,484 42,882,989
Iowa 23,249,594 19,500,584 34,570,000 28,172,560 39,276,820
Utah 58,379,076 16,260,147 30,351,946 21,972,833 36,337,824
Maine 33,504,403 31,778,211 39,131,345 58,756,333 35,483,432
Colorado 32,519,066 25,320,417 26,115,011 36,450,141 35,011,823
New Hampshire 24,238,594 23,677,428 35,236,529 44,774,512 32,340,497
Missouri 24,862,557 50,374,253 22,771,603 32,287,250 32,251,728
Oregon 37,236,152 25,010,979 25,291,780 27,327,103 31,478,722
South Carolina 16,076,832 17,845,172 16,148,462 42,317,457 27,927,866
Rhode Island 35,833,180 17,490,754 8,955,097 15,677,766 26,490,344
Montana 13,802,738 13,194,689 16,999,667 21,401,619 25,138,563
Alabama 16,630,542 26,614,982 13,770,015 16,524,917 23,451,267
Vermont 9,939,410 14,367,209 10,196,939 31,499,124 23,040,401
North Dakota 16,011,169 13,878,629 16,061,165 18,736,867 22,883,298
Idaho 10,789,561 8,535,796 11,362,342 18,081,151 22,264,852
Nevada 19,890,944 21,643,632 5,673,409 15,783,577 20,809,542
Nebraska 17,965,762 16,778,146 12,269,896 11,072,627 19,666,106
Alaska 89,840,433 9,303,080 8,092,615 31,092,443 19,493,109
Oklahoma 6,145,073 4,072,461 7,380,187 16,241,356 15,190,993
Louisiana 11,662,155 6,536,230 6,345,569 24,242,870 14,181,338
Arkansas 7,926,389 6,887,124 9,108,527 10,676,926 12,917,994
Kansas 6,030,988 11,892,013 10,067,482 17,771,150 12,708,145
South Dakota 4,524,248 4,383,097 49,128,487 21,942,701 12,623,173
Wyoming 5,751,765 5,743,768 5,462,429 6,013,219 11,872,544
West Virginia 6,241,067 9,482,668 3,273,915 4,077,473 10,934,265
Delaware 4,652,241 3,116,144 5,278,205 5,059,464 8,935,896
Hawaii 2,571,359 4,166,653 3,836,389 14,099,590 7,212,106
Mississippi 4,403,518 4,431,955 8,396,512 6,714,052 5,578,137
District of Columbia 7,552,940 17,699,675 23,476,161 9,358,520 4,384,534
New Mexico 4,057,757 2,877,748 2,306,294 4,186,998 4,045,840
Puerto Rico 3,607,657 1,611,214 4,455,533 3,615,437 3,449,634
Other unspecified U.S. State 17,553 24,213 88,455 26,021 124,182
U.S. Virgin Islands 5,158 38,606 888,729 57,963 26,875
Sub-total 2,685,930,921 2,641,201,848 2,894,634,126 3,371,301,441 3,709,995,612
Others 155,483,773 112,348,602 121,394,259 161,766,203 100,364,243
Total All Countries 2,841,414,694 2,753,550,450 3,016,028,385 3,533,067,644 3,810,359,855

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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