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Report date: 2024-09-19


Canadian imports
Naics 33241 - power boiler and heat exchanger manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Oklahoma 103,451,137 51,407,337 69,327,044 71,180,080 72,052,397
Illinois 44,544,419 42,455,239 40,214,609 69,583,854 70,889,019
Texas 50,089,376 37,102,905 27,928,844 49,622,073 53,689,813
New York 37,593,414 31,862,620 28,914,389 29,800,853 42,588,120
Wisconsin 21,429,609 14,328,486 14,461,310 30,853,922 27,232,654
Georgia 21,604,678 24,790,159 16,637,504 20,259,342 25,593,812
California 35,843,356 29,466,698 23,150,306 21,843,840 24,403,289
Pennsylvania 23,977,035 14,323,240 11,753,254 17,890,615 22,692,947
North Carolina 14,802,516 15,756,331 14,026,175 15,366,642 17,410,146
Michigan 7,474,793 9,429,062 10,264,966 11,177,171 16,153,034
Minnesota 11,124,982 8,915,589 6,105,147 11,641,833 14,268,795
Tennessee 9,742,201 9,687,916 12,877,746 13,624,923 13,897,813
Virginia 8,719,834 6,669,849 7,222,969 12,713,777 13,841,797
Ohio 9,346,793 5,216,299 7,362,540 10,787,056 13,057,211
Kentucky 27,612,669 3,701,040 5,021,719 8,335,484 11,506,938
Indiana 13,876,724 9,167,956 10,031,570 12,411,600 11,474,855
Connecticut 9,764,972 10,896,350 8,691,614 11,028,519 9,941,518
Nebraska 7,051,335 6,961,283 5,623,106 6,235,084 9,206,904
Louisiana 6,732,157 3,066,807 15,113,067 7,985,726 8,317,519
Missouri 4,620,561 4,610,410 4,823,743 4,792,254 8,267,086
Kansas 6,032,187 10,621,683 4,168,176 4,505,125 7,943,540
New Jersey 3,683,121 6,282,351 5,498,754 6,920,926 6,668,694
Florida 15,902,123 3,855,252 4,691,133 4,576,468 6,424,552
Iowa 1,386,132 1,511,614 1,914,484 3,775,354 6,283,786
Maryland 2,923,512 140,592 33,055,842 2,373,898 4,697,072
Mississippi 14,735,463 17,676,287 22,129,918 3,691,296 3,963,156
South Carolina 1,788,547 2,281,926 2,203,692 2,702,991 3,897,573
Washington 3,373,272 4,324,937 3,406,206 4,318,533 3,508,018
Rhode Island 1,524,380 984,149 1,301,311 1,529,359 3,007,691
South Dakota 867,282 1,073,798 1,347,570 1,336,447 2,664,712
Massachusetts 2,308,939 713,365 2,089,673 3,952,372 1,838,231
Arizona 1,820,672 558,742 1,032,442 1,984,068 1,658,549
Delaware 1,163,262 41,455 777,433 666,543 1,295,096
Oregon 1,533,096 617,587 1,187,343 762,408 1,265,353
Nevada 594,814 523,590 923,263 475,260 1,175,236
Alabama 1,869,482 1,323,712 827,402 1,634,419 1,151,427
Colorado 963,602 727,364 134,755 7,485,926 622,397
New Hampshire 722,206 537,699 849,506 696,754 546,540
North Dakota 146,097 132,653 202,308 1,283,566 533,162
Utah 101,693 250,011 156,721 873,360 451,554
Arkansas 5,475,315 67,755 346,872 451,748 144,252
Maine 39,424 321,239 240,111 59,932 96,115
Montana 14,365 11,282 36,858 123,523 94,160
West Virginia 1,644,179 1,875,464 2,019,335 1,802,148 84,508
Idaho 110,778 1,988,784 167,706 159,691 82,613
Vermont 2,041 32,377 12,911 8,838 26,728
U.S. Virgin Islands -- 51,138 -- -- 12,059
Wyoming 1,057 143 -- 13,025 7,222
Alaska 133 1,363 6,949 760 2,010
Other unspecified U.S. State 14,913 6,480 8,275 5,200 --
District of Columbia -- 2,238 815 380 --
Hawaii -- -- 315 -- --
Puerto Rico 70,314 1,090 -- -- --
New Mexico -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 540,214,962 398,353,696 430,289,701 495,304,966 546,631,673
Others 204,523,320 168,108,713 294,303,369 305,378,667 300,554,481
Total All Countries 744,738,282 566,462,409 724,593,070 800,683,633 847,186,154

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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