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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian imports
Naics 33512 - lighting fixture manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
California 57,804,642 47,535,650 51,604,907 54,378,608 50,406,315
Ohio 20,572,516 25,511,269 20,056,771 23,455,478 32,390,766
Wisconsin 38,673,966 30,961,269 28,594,714 30,049,044 31,028,713
New York 24,893,604 22,170,803 24,270,287 27,665,449 27,650,604
Texas 59,887,289 29,682,581 25,179,229 20,652,563 25,301,698
Georgia 50,583,398 33,950,831 26,443,880 25,415,082 21,745,460
New Jersey 16,476,748 15,286,632 13,835,057 16,917,991 16,773,549
Pennsylvania 10,211,527 10,432,346 8,273,452 12,287,652 14,262,103
Iowa 10,494,872 8,136,026 15,628,714 15,161,482 13,349,083
Illinois 20,931,368 23,717,535 21,861,102 17,536,408 11,547,169
Virginia 20,054,031 15,574,811 13,198,925 12,496,891 11,292,641
Connecticut 6,611,539 4,975,130 6,370,526 7,171,117 10,435,728
Missouri 9,947,357 8,907,070 7,160,983 7,632,603 9,690,160
Minnesota 5,602,091 4,260,212 6,843,582 8,322,601 8,989,042
North Carolina 10,017,116 9,283,467 7,817,271 8,798,668 8,048,638
Florida 4,922,419 5,182,719 6,408,519 6,722,482 7,759,690
Oregon 5,373,233 4,872,426 4,410,976 5,281,819 7,080,151
Colorado 17,203,497 11,009,941 12,162,538 20,827,628 6,964,130
Massachusetts 6,128,649 4,336,536 4,620,740 6,786,106 6,080,843
Washington 6,189,514 6,016,137 4,528,785 4,659,576 5,139,521
Michigan 6,725,506 4,196,380 5,089,147 5,289,388 4,612,246
South Carolina 2,618,114 2,619,233 1,845,597 2,548,203 4,181,429
Vermont 4,088,261 3,103,933 4,127,740 4,611,128 4,088,224
Indiana 5,952,940 9,299,329 8,576,757 5,486,993 4,046,140
Mississippi 23,642,467 12,559,782 4,463,310 3,266,537 3,735,585
Nevada 1,959,713 862,454 1,642,734 1,499,607 3,587,226
Kentucky 893,505 1,533,250 1,368,672 2,176,362 2,440,687
Other unspecified U.S. State 1,388,605 1,303,694 1,551,184 1,748,167 2,223,862
Rhode Island 3,089,886 2,696,632 5,133,595 3,610,607 1,938,410
Kansas 882,022 497,498 1,123,394 715,768 1,636,451
Utah 904,310 1,267,403 1,223,850 922,860 1,483,912
Tennessee 2,042,939 1,945,343 2,155,361 1,598,765 1,310,768
Arizona 1,911,988 881,660 856,464 1,567,513 1,263,978
New Mexico 830,974 1,258,066 707,843 465,566 1,212,045
Nebraska 1,609,593 949,995 689,764 344,057 535,649
Maryland 825,592 712,071 773,144 819,711 532,671
Wyoming 8,265 56,458 8,512 17,742 264,294
Alabama 436,051 217,558 125,731 153,929 252,697
Delaware 423,043 180,857 129,204 57,262 223,034
Louisiana 127,493 210,037 393,288 311,222 222,633
New Hampshire 1,894,905 2,225,048 866,115 208,151 190,230
Idaho 79,932 182,112 216,784 173,677 177,988
Arkansas 209,341 283,667 89,845 168,276 147,621
South Dakota 67,220 84,013 61,382 69,199 100,626
Maine 24,630 24,512 38,308 44,194 80,417
Oklahoma 60,886 64,410 144,562 1,883,674 77,886
North Dakota 21,613 58,316 72,584 16,784 33,272
Montana 62,537 285,875 18,626 39,943 20,373
Hawaii 47,612 10,595 11,861 137 11,956
West Virginia 15,716 6,039 72 13,574 6,907
District of Columbia 5,405 6,506 3,875 11,245 6,026
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- 425 -- 5,325
Alaska 9,095 10,876 16,594 15,484 924
Puerto Rico 2,236 5,085 468 1,669 143
Sub-total 465,441,771 371,402,078 352,797,750 372,076,642 366,587,639
Others 1,701,837,200 1,692,600,576 1,979,731,790 2,067,516,040 1,711,573,946
Total All Countries 2,167,278,971 2,064,002,654 2,332,529,540 2,439,592,682 2,078,161,585

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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