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Report date: 2024-09-18


Canadian total exports
Naics 31491 - textile bag and canvas mills
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
New York 7,327,665 5,691,648 9,898,046 10,889,390 6,408,709
Wisconsin 402,286 675,756 4,042,497 6,693,504 5,508,710
Georgia 1,298,636 961,735 1,752,628 3,092,766 4,161,885
California 4,118,066 1,860,329 2,905,942 3,073,695 4,152,554
Ohio 1,594,808 12,179,463 10,251,580 10,903,893 2,904,004
Michigan 2,588,734 1,964,184 2,200,697 2,647,934 2,717,854
Texas 6,547,093 1,915,065 3,097,964 3,055,517 2,520,668
Kentucky 274,875 166,101 141,888 704,795 2,496,459
Indiana 1,947,869 913,017 1,541,776 1,627,613 2,340,967
Alaska 86,133 439,937 320,736 41,482 2,238,858
West Virginia 1,769,533 729,021 1,086,944 1,231,248 2,218,277
Tennessee 1,506,366 1,282,467 1,344,247 1,392,057 2,124,827
Florida 1,403,043 481,266 512,176 1,643,874 1,919,831
Washington 1,071,610 1,646,964 1,362,049 1,255,281 1,729,070
Idaho 134,041 132,295 979,788 1,179,368 1,675,064
Illinois 1,202,315 1,392,026 1,222,372 1,928,956 1,508,148
Colorado 432,839 874,452 1,105,740 1,162,639 1,471,573
Alabama 1,143,211 736,410 1,206,221 1,111,593 1,344,724
Missouri 699,438 550,823 461,364 455,192 1,327,921
Massachusetts 949,608 862,540 905,330 1,169,702 1,325,407
Pennsylvania 2,689,368 1,087,457 1,408,647 1,144,191 1,304,051
Utah 588,913 531,093 965,102 792,848 1,264,042
New Jersey 765,780 931,906 846,508 1,508,928 1,067,903
North Carolina 706,753 238,055 460,199 1,127,349 917,206
Virginia 840,160 342,543 692,732 1,139,493 906,119
Maine 1,315,034 974,162 1,402,495 865,290 871,439
Iowa 373,118 73,576 179,462 270,213 858,790
Oregon 283,917 407,524 519,964 691,173 824,493
Minnesota 349,551 573,540 600,635 613,900 703,073
North Dakota 312,096 386,273 260,130 368,366 612,737
Connecticut 176,210 116,818 174,760 469,038 579,453
Arizona 3,404,738 394,715 190,634 534,420 579,228
Nevada 312,646 505,270 412,004 439,703 543,803
Montana 309,823 76,231 339,159 334,974 537,349
Maryland 498,034 117,954 439,327 524,087 535,244
Kansas 1,351,052 480,490 849,183 612,062 499,669
Louisiana 466,375 79,858 328,888 324,835 402,529
Rhode Island 50,989 19,897 29,775 27,208 333,717
Arkansas 35,796 130,611 61,112 273,373 241,900
New Hampshire 770,314 193,780 196,980 306,946 241,323
Vermont 166,845 193,283 102,231 171,455 219,123
South Carolina 2,883,371 296,784 417,217 402,332 139,952
Delaware 162,990 25,224 194,611 118,077 123,398
Wyoming 63,342 39,986 374,912 134,558 113,397
South Dakota 54,083 102,405 124,747 108,437 85,888
Mississippi 19,058 23,159 122,593 37,755 85,622
Nebraska 65,188 183,204 108,624 155,386 79,006
New Mexico 31,716 127,403 31,802 50,886 51,173
Oklahoma 14,406 89,671 44,077 45,205 44,467
Hawaii 44,911 28,066 1,666 12,982 22,381
District of Columbia 5,467 78,278 2,360 22,249 18,487
Other unspecified U.S. State 4,456 6,154 419 6,866 16,204
Puerto Rico 11,598 6,065 37,509 2,485 4,051
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- 27,879 -- --
Sub-total 55,626,267 44,316,934 58,288,328 68,897,569 66,922,727
Others 22,019,001 9,454,906 8,884,101 17,089,998 6,974,694
Total All Countries 77,645,268 53,771,840 67,172,429 85,987,567 73,897,421

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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