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Report date: 2024-09-18


Canadian total exports
Naics 33429 - other communications equipment manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Texas 41,975,638 23,841,365 39,359,110 35,325,406 41,760,311
Florida 19,094,926 20,877,998 13,726,811 21,856,701 30,343,222
New York 28,813,333 23,091,267 20,665,931 26,895,891 23,137,255
Illinois 16,562,369 18,234,068 10,361,061 15,906,879 20,938,119
California 21,797,043 15,305,313 12,060,392 18,645,297 18,035,162
Tennessee 14,111,549 12,015,142 13,542,580 10,419,700 16,526,860
Georgia 54,208,020 15,109,088 10,025,728 12,317,520 15,687,012
Minnesota 10,442,237 9,273,053 9,469,442 10,331,413 15,243,247
Pennsylvania 9,664,380 6,205,803 6,794,337 10,665,089 14,756,351
Wisconsin 3,073,836 4,416,195 5,787,730 7,227,270 12,793,888
Arizona 12,782,986 8,107,024 7,298,939 18,533,878 12,089,492
Ohio 7,206,248 5,441,865 6,930,937 8,467,539 10,923,418
Oklahoma 9,161,708 7,897,043 2,372,597 2,238,518 8,580,278
Kentucky 3,607,912 2,248,426 3,945,891 5,850,519 8,156,922
Washington 5,853,611 6,131,033 6,348,674 6,784,822 7,741,616
Michigan 4,954,384 4,426,619 7,119,649 4,653,978 7,729,610
Massachusetts 3,332,927 2,823,228 2,867,683 3,673,141 7,316,499
Indiana 2,840,532 3,762,448 4,495,266 6,141,462 7,056,138
North Carolina 9,101,191 9,568,561 10,026,803 18,198,055 7,013,036
Iowa 4,726,182 5,795,294 5,527,226 9,518,153 5,613,252
New Jersey 11,692,435 5,011,621 4,991,136 6,150,995 4,890,150
Virginia 5,178,429 4,270,201 3,144,673 6,329,971 4,199,430
Kansas 10,803,128 1,203,807 1,511,232 3,124,868 4,157,330
South Carolina 2,509,043 1,534,011 2,589,198 1,912,427 3,947,999
Connecticut 2,443,532 1,498,261 1,995,708 4,067,514 3,706,375
Nebraska 1,261,850 1,573,553 1,557,984 1,917,887 3,360,738
Maryland 2,699,055 2,320,391 5,146,046 5,561,929 3,289,681
Missouri 2,365,950 2,179,177 1,528,212 3,520,993 3,242,213
Colorado 1,732,034 2,179,374 1,890,384 2,217,873 3,009,951
Arkansas 938,624 913,080 891,566 1,833,624 2,587,332
Utah 1,863,447 4,052,764 4,044,374 3,888,187 2,580,614
Oregon 3,235,764 2,180,627 1,805,100 2,609,156 2,251,496
Nevada 5,064,216 2,438,114 2,741,838 2,421,856 1,793,998
Alabama 1,964,103 1,339,865 1,467,161 1,608,470 1,715,471
Louisiana 727,476 789,932 1,225,236 1,658,516 1,649,015
Idaho 1,697,089 477,961 714,175 440,659 1,647,319
South Dakota 1,054,947 1,223,334 897,541 937,548 1,245,148
Rhode Island 800,791 769,488 513,841 967,706 1,048,093
Mississippi 842,144 822,513 632,291 1,581,926 1,033,325
New Mexico 596,739 759,282 441,130 865,806 1,017,983
Montana 380,615 620,551 272,639 867,956 885,127
Vermont 853,913 622,592 971,640 659,679 871,005
North Dakota 788,192 479,026 1,062,080 2,016,553 863,591
Puerto Rico 72,048 1,257,126 102,878 144,992 836,131
Maine 586,464 1,553,455 856,100 700,465 828,834
New Hampshire 392,864 188,083 659,499 545,715 790,508
West Virginia 925,064 500,973 420,580 711,867 667,585
Delaware 214,090 163,355 535,441 315,994 499,865
Hawaii 113,670 263,212 263,658 288,321 390,285
Wyoming 55,915 92,047 95,298 149,348 362,482
Alaska 310,111 181,886 76,226 398,431 238,880
District of Columbia 640,075 97,345 222,468 78,555 114,953
Other unspecified U.S. State -- 3,303 19,117 -- 3,196
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 348,114,829 248,131,143 244,013,237 314,147,018 351,167,791
Others 168,547,419 122,107,326 117,074,271 136,102,711 133,833,154
Total All Countries 516,662,248 370,238,469 361,087,508 450,249,729 485,000,945

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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