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Report date: 2024-09-23


Canadian total exports
Naics 11321 - forest nurseries and gathering of forest products
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
California 4,086,205 6,778,229 10,872,528 12,953,623 18,215,984
Massachusetts 1,081,640 1,144,613 5,469,577 4,605,785 6,592,355
New York 1,989,410 2,118,968 3,798,211 4,309,942 5,039,847
New Jersey 1,804,875 2,754,500 3,650,130 3,910,820 5,039,170
Connecticut 940,909 1,691,908 3,356,234 3,463,278 3,079,703
Michigan 3,013,974 3,790,027 3,230,583 2,975,818 3,063,421
Montana 72,274 76,662 98,224 38,752 2,678,709
Illinois 1,226,650 2,558,015 2,330,566 2,308,647 2,248,053
Washington 541,021 744,888 1,132,238 1,724,408 2,223,838
North Carolina 327,632 373,394 1,059,671 1,148,768 1,716,993
Wisconsin 742,831 686,066 469,315 537,532 1,630,419
Pennsylvania 998,402 1,025,561 1,319,142 976,195 1,553,689
Texas 173,608 360,617 296,356 589,375 1,462,382
New Hampshire 340,877 257,474 936,941 724,435 1,127,099
Ohio 1,012,475 1,560,577 3,357,835 2,131,530 1,123,904
Maine 367,207 601,166 1,161,485 1,259,178 1,029,189
Tennessee 180,672 203,789 203,371 374,971 799,417
South Carolina 11,066 79,385 69,096 98,359 688,943
Minnesota 1,232,985 362,873 273,682 519,684 660,073
Florida 136,768 1,163,398 1,006,390 575,226 601,607
Missouri 252,176 216,639 427,884 389,354 494,674
Georgia 235,625 555,607 550,017 1,872,730 438,892
Colorado 362,816 202,949 570,828 350,929 424,848
Arizona 76,565 156,296 359,680 243,278 417,806
Indiana 421,638 616,657 565,475 378,509 337,706
Arkansas 354,219 161,479 207,416 238,126 285,639
Oregon 41,910 106,962 242,073 244,334 283,230
Virginia 164,466 208,149 193,134 130,218 217,730
Vermont 363,337 45,757 141,618 318,742 192,723
Kentucky 266,524 205,923 68,401 144,501 192,619
Rhode Island 32,567 146,683 272,095 191,323 185,938
South Dakota 147,320 221,434 141,133 238,805 183,059
Utah 71,335 53,108 327,376 261,683 123,474
Iowa 87,180 141,676 118,446 110,888 115,187
Kansas 93,839 92,985 413,381 191,967 100,358
Nebraska 48,693 22,439 55,010 68,967 60,213
Idaho -- 3,079 28,551 52,456 53,304
Maryland 182,879 192,717 171,817 64,928 42,642
Wyoming 6,551 15,392 -- 4,382 29,021
District of Columbia 4,435 31,613 12,075 -- 21,489
Oklahoma 41,166 10,786 9,449 7,393 15,843
Puerto Rico 74,344 118,354 230,230 183,926 14,346
North Dakota 50,082 65,720 56,005 27,612 13,106
Alabama -- 52,801 17,974 5,928 12,511
Nevada 46,595 44,562 40,524 39,523 8,987
Delaware -- 5,768 8,796 17,059 3,361
Mississippi -- -- -- 31,296 --
Alaska -- -- 6,357 6,939 --
West Virginia 33,430 30,931 29,422 -- --
New Mexico -- 12,967 -- -- --
Louisiana 11,856 -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 23,753,029 32,071,543 49,356,742 51,042,122 64,843,501
Others 424,244 494,273 510,941 642,969 530,843
Total All Countries 24,177,273 32,565,816 49,867,683 51,685,091 65,374,344

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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