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Report date: 2024-09-23


Canadian total exports
Naics 11221 - hog and pig farming
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Iowa 171,356,055 117,996,823 169,476,383 178,504,666 137,343,687
Illinois 28,914,143 35,683,837 127,509,275 135,300,416 93,315,539
Michigan 22,437,657 19,769,261 56,556,561 33,751,703 78,662,045
Ohio 6,795,399 9,835,480 30,717,240 62,380,059 78,412,315
South Dakota 34,336,496 39,170,123 45,262,444 47,914,615 43,225,468
Wisconsin 40,018,561 25,635,987 63,528,081 60,988,371 41,722,279
Minnesota 33,663,539 32,247,227 61,117,690 67,551,534 31,840,463
Tennessee 21,016,909 18,304,504 35,263,497 34,428,159 25,633,449
Indiana 6,778,197 2,434,717 31,491,489 39,541,394 24,734,231
Kentucky 645,202 107,997 4,452,466 21,826,023 24,367,444
Pennsylvania 5,229,029 3,517,057 29,361,764 20,630,846 13,465,242
North Carolina 7,255,219 7,891,888 17,869,274 8,825,092 11,680,526
Nebraska 3,377,899 2,255,972 5,795,375 5,062,677 10,451,350
Idaho 6,737,420 6,850,060 7,417,852 8,890,855 8,571,388
Montana 5,175,585 4,931,830 5,842,412 3,624,495 4,691,455
California 1,981,753 820,527 4,948,543 4,250,708 1,926,683
Oregon 17,935,700 14,740,608 14,033,756 5,304,566 1,611,834
Kansas 172,971 12,792 977,889 917,562 918,571
Missouri 97,768 639,822 308,692 3,227,371 808,688
New York 22,934 58,133 100,714 44,718 596,452
Colorado 76,910 745,084 1,351,900 1,797,651 212,140
North Dakota 472,533 96,661 1,442,955 25,368 190,598
Delaware -- -- -- 90,982 146,974
New Hampshire 44,341 133,296 153,874 151,742 136,987
Maryland -- -- -- -- 133,115
New Jersey 197,196 119,571 288,995 161,193 121,000
Virginia -- -- -- -- 102,877
Oklahoma 49,770 -- 205,658 185,632 74,808
Massachusetts 146,863 113,559 133,750 141,911 71,039
Maine 92,024 52,877 46,661 33,627 62,548
Vermont 27,005 31,151 42,685 24,906 22,175
Florida -- -- 145,192 125,586 --
West Virginia -- -- -- 88,477 --
Mississippi -- -- -- 7,935 --
Washington 240,305 110,443 40,330 7,873 --
Arkansas -- -- 44,905 -- --
Alaska 216,425 31,265 42,989 -- --
Utah -- 4,342,837 -- -- --
Arizona -- 8,266 -- -- --
Nevada 56,795 -- -- -- --
Connecticut -- -- -- -- --
Rhode Island -- -- -- -- --
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- -- -- --
Alabama -- -- -- -- --
District of Columbia -- -- -- -- --
Georgia -- -- -- -- --
Louisiana -- -- -- -- --
New Mexico -- -- -- -- --
South Carolina -- -- -- -- --
Texas -- -- -- -- --
Hawaii -- -- -- -- --
Puerto Rico -- -- -- -- --
Other unspecified U.S. State -- -- -- -- --
Wyoming -- -- -- -- --
Sub-total 415,568,603 348,689,655 715,971,291 745,808,713 635,253,370
Others 27,840,019 37,311,338 22,357,000 13,141,934 8,191,348
Total All Countries 443,408,622 386,000,993 738,328,291 758,950,647 643,444,718

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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