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Report date: 2024-09-20


Canadian imports
Naics 33421 - telephone apparatus manufacturing
Distribution by state (U.S.)
Latest 5 years
Value in canadian dollars


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
California 201,770,479 155,618,654 159,667,457 164,627,852 272,881,149
Ohio 7,609,421 9,111,754 7,459,370 13,977,928 121,060,954
Texas 187,642,223 162,672,770 69,956,734 83,027,616 96,697,164
Illinois 76,894,660 77,469,401 51,960,638 67,705,449 67,615,055
New York 76,429,754 73,796,098 38,950,913 42,905,714 50,996,534
Massachusetts 53,736,801 44,293,817 32,012,982 34,745,092 37,980,854
Florida 51,777,424 27,046,291 24,003,143 43,095,649 31,622,556
North Carolina 11,794,752 10,309,800 12,559,483 17,605,741 31,191,127
Arizona 45,148,054 27,234,386 14,163,886 30,090,883 25,940,390
Georgia 12,314,942 21,940,756 19,707,991 21,895,189 24,516,304
Washington 14,094,320 11,760,317 22,769,629 19,333,769 23,336,347
New Jersey 24,788,857 19,269,421 19,170,413 18,495,096 19,030,477
Virginia 13,146,351 8,052,528 9,164,056 13,485,561 17,531,108
Maryland 16,056,475 21,488,924 23,589,292 16,619,040 17,201,700
Kansas 3,071,344 2,360,568 7,254,478 22,781,642 16,995,034
Colorado 24,199,727 8,580,400 12,344,695 9,817,571 15,633,325
Michigan 19,509,854 9,582,516 6,579,661 8,292,617 14,245,260
Pennsylvania 26,522,709 15,133,558 15,954,397 14,068,403 13,762,845
Tennessee 6,362,588 8,225,712 8,368,532 5,767,089 13,054,494
Minnesota 12,651,974 11,552,788 12,905,790 14,407,707 12,534,128
Kentucky 17,949,268 5,217,249 2,393,257 5,710,129 11,703,695
Indiana 4,288,069 3,367,783 5,564,769 6,467,940 9,653,206
Oregon 18,596,107 12,270,892 6,177,008 8,411,971 8,900,842
Iowa 8,233,285 10,930,745 8,956,272 12,240,937 8,003,365
Wisconsin 5,824,233 4,981,685 5,733,606 7,309,930 7,382,331
Other unspecified U.S. State 272,354 290,607 259,475 349,377 7,326,570
Connecticut 7,195,502 7,246,540 7,341,680 5,110,351 5,317,053
Alabama 3,823,745 2,646,093 4,985,009 3,751,961 4,847,705
Utah 5,602,223 12,404,544 10,819,750 11,932,474 4,817,545
Nevada 7,335,638 4,074,659 3,724,346 3,372,988 4,442,034
Mississippi 18,094,833 2,037,108 6,120,813 5,557,968 4,127,949
North Dakota 1,244,857 943,526 2,759,446 5,784,560 4,010,742
Missouri 15,841,999 8,584,003 8,445,360 2,625,355 3,464,713
New Hampshire 1,161,644 678,828 541,994 1,113,944 3,365,571
South Carolina 4,679,025 1,069,457 4,636,363 2,301,547 2,807,030
Nebraska 1,518,926 1,644,809 1,828,829 1,804,060 2,449,674
Delaware 541,122 1,857,862 2,442,431 2,471,808 1,940,179
Idaho 812,921 725,916 819,966 806,824 1,338,296
Rhode Island 5,476,202 407,331 259,641 1,904,100 1,190,091
Louisiana 392,414 506,946 911,660 475,534 1,155,784
New Mexico 2,020,885 3,220,477 1,586,475 1,368,232 1,037,451
Oklahoma 2,027,847 1,311,504 602,694 1,097,090 810,895
South Dakota 383,620 553,675 906,652 458,748 659,242
Vermont 328,581 277,246 191,514 639,037 630,930
Maine 343,389 155,093 101,427 177,957 193,325
Hawaii -- -- 543,176 27,281 186,651
Arkansas 179,720 104,241 175,754 107,390 153,368
District of Columbia 56,828 43,500 8,695 30,461 62,312
West Virginia 54,872 97,782 75,683 48,571 38,917
Montana 91,687 334,050 78,121 82,849 18,057
Wyoming 8,602 7,748 18,983 17,700 15,542
Puerto Rico 22,048 29,585 8,175 19,216 14,007
Alaska 93,107 33,682 121,753 20,807 5,375
U.S. Virgin Islands 22,297 77,370 13,183 7,407 685
Sub-total 1,020,040,559 813,632,995 657,697,500 756,352,112 1,025,897,937
Others 5,281,810,908 5,269,297,441 6,057,723,024 6,828,951,524 6,538,580,281
Total All Countries 6,301,851,467 6,082,930,436 6,715,420,524 7,585,303,636 7,564,478,218

Data Source: Statistics Canada

If a Harmonized Systems (HS) code is retired, there will be no data available beyond the retirement date.

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